For information about this Calendar, or to update information, please contact Kris Meng (login name) inworld! Content of this Google Calendar is NOT the responsibility of your SWF WebMerstress! If you post to this calendar, please be sure your content is up to date. Thank you! POTENTIAL NEW CALENDAR USERS, SCROLL DOWN FOR INFORMATION.
Do you host/lead an event that is sea creature friendly (obviously NEAR water but doesn’t have to be IN it)?
Here are the current guidelines for getting your event into the calendar:
Send notecard to Kris Meng (we do not take IMs for this). Include this information:
- Date Submitted to Calendar Keeper Kris Meng.
- Your full SL Name
- Business Name (if Appropriate)
- Full name of Contact Person to answer questions about your event
- Brief description of the event (click a few in the Calendar for some examples)
- Location in SLURL form. (For most computers you get a SLURL by right clicking on the the landmark in your inventory. That copies a SLURL into your clipboard space. Then paste it into the notecard you are making. If these instructions don’t work on your computer you can also go to map section and get a SLURL copied – figure out how to cut and paste)). You can include a landmark also but events will not be posted without the SLURL – it allows visitors to click on a link and go directily to your location. Your SLURL will look like this example (our SWF HQ):
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Union%20Passage/230/192/2 - Any restrictions? Is the event PG or does it allow Adult content? Child Avatars? Men Only? Women Only? Are there any restrictions on who is invited ?? (Note that SWF cannot control who comes to your event!)
- Is this a repeating event? (If Yes – explain how often and/or when, etc.) Single or repeating events are all welcome!
Remember if you have a SWF Adboard, you can also send notices weekly to remind people of your event! (No spamming, please.)
Grace SWF is often available Weekdays 3pm to 7pm (check her profile picks if availability changes), by appointment and makes random appearances. Random sightings are not meant to be for work tasks.