117 SWF Gathering 21 September 2024

[12:00 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.

Welcome new and old aquatics and friends!
[12:00 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[12:01 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t repeat things for latecomers – a log is posted on our blog after the meeting. This is not a place for public debate – this is a helpful place. we all help each other slive an aquatic lifestyle.
[12:01 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Because we usually have good attendance – please take a moment to remove all extra attachments and huds. We’d like you to dress low lag. Big poofy hair and jewelry are big culprits, as are bubbles, script things, huds, and such. If we all cooperate, more merfolk can participate with less crashing. Thank you for your help with this.
[12:02 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: so how was yer week seafolk?
[12:02 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): it was pretty good =^-^= finally got a bit of rest and not super tired
[12:02 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): also I’m quitting a shitty client after Mon
[12:02 PM] Peaches2U Camino: too fast
[12:03 PM] Peaches2U Camino: to the losing the loser client
[12:03 PM] Peaches2U Camino YAY CONGRATUATIONS!
[12:03 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: thats good Cat and yeah Peach it is
[12:03 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[12:03 PM] Lily Lewellen: Going to France in 2 weeks. Can’t believe how fast this year is going.
[12:03 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): wow!!!
[12:03 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice!
[12:03 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): bring back some croissants for me =3
[12:04 PM] Lily Lewellen: ^^ Kk
[12:04 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: if I could go to Frace I’d want to see the art galleries and the famous cheese places.
[12:05 PM] Misa Friller: french pastries <3
[12:05 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): if I could go to France
[12:05 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Last time I went to France was because I hopped on the wrong bus.
[12:05 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
[12:05 PM] Peaches2U Camino: O.o
[12:05 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[12:05 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): lool
[12:05 PM] Misa Friller: There was this ice cream place like to the left of Notre Dame, I wish I could go back and try it instead of being all healthy and shiz
[12:05 PM] Lily Lewellen: I’m excited to meet one of my SL friends in rl too. While there. 😀
[12:06 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: tasting a countries cuisine is one of the best ways to learn about them
[12:06 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[12:06 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): relog
[12:07 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I loved the macarons they had in Paris.
[12:07 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice
[12:07 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): They look like those colorful krabby patties Spongebob made in that one episode where he made colorfuly krabby patties that look like macarons.
[12:08 PM] Lily Lewellen: I will be in Paris, and traveling around the north areas of France, Normandy will be one of our stops too
[12:08 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): typos [12:08 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: -=giggles*=-
[12:08 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I wanna visit Japan but we can’t see Kyoto cause people were dips
[12:09 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: anyway I better move us on
[12:09 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Our priority today is support – we’re all here to help each other, cause we’re awesome like that.
[12:09 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Yum sushi ?
[12:09 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so the order is my introduction-done, introduce the new folks, sharing questions, ideas, and support to help each other-ie; tails, hair, bodies, AOs, requests, etc, then PSAs and promotion of events, sales or what ever else needs to be shared, then I close us out with our goals, maybe a group hug and picture.

So here we go!!
[12:10 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Introductions
If you have brought someone new to this gathering, please introduce them now. If you are new and wish to introduce yourself please do so now.
just click on the podium to sit on it or sit were you are if thats just easier.
[12:10 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: so any new folks today?
[12:10 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): I’m new to the meetings 🙂
[12:10 PM] Misa Friller waves
[12:10 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome!
[12:11 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: A very short sentence is all that is needed – for example: hi, I am (your name) and I discovered aquatics (brief description of how you found us) and what I love about being aquatic is (explain here).
[12:11 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): thank ya thank ya!
[12:11 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Sure
[12:11 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: would you like to introduce your self?
[12:11 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[12:11 PM] Lily Lewellen: Hello Angel
[12:12 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Actually found this place by digging into profiles of creators of tails. Thats how I was introduced ot you Miranda. My sl wife and I were building a sim with a big mer area and wanted a way to connect with folks 🙂
[12:12 PM] Misa Friller: Hi I am your name — Misa, I’ve loved mermaids since I was a kid and hated my mom for not naming me Ariel. (shrug) I can’t grow a tail and hold my breath indefinitely IRL, so here works.. for now. I love the accepting community and just how friendly people are, and the creativity of underwater builds, mods, etc.
[12:13 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[12:13 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome Misa
[12:14 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: if you like we’ll be doing promotions later you can tell us about you and your wife’s sim
[12:14 PM] Peaches2U Camino: wooooot
[12:14 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I wish my wife had a sim. 🙁
[12:14 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I meant that one for Angel..
[12:14 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: aww
[12:15 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: maybe one day?
[12:15 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): It’s okay, just need a wife and she can have my sim.
[12:15 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): that’s our new mission, all us merfolk
[12:15 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: -=giggles=-
[12:15 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): find Rhodan a wife with a sim
[12:15 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay moving lol
[12:15 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: moving on
[12:15 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Bonus points if she cones with a handsome husband,
[12:16 PM] Misa Friller giggles
[12:16 PM] Lily Lewellen: RL or SL wife?
[12:16 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: never change dude
[12:16 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): oh, SL of course
[12:16 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[12:16 PM] Misa Friller: why not both? ALL THE POLYGAMY
[12:16 PM] Misa Friller: you might even have your own school. /shot
[12:16 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Pretty sure never changing is directly opposing to me finding someone, but ok!
[12:16 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): our concern is SL – what they then do in RL is their own biznits
[12:16 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ba da bump tss
[12:16 PM] Peaches2U Camino: lolol
[12:16 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: -=giggles=-
[12:17 PM] Lily Lewellen: Need a mer dating agency
[12:17 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay swimming onto tech support
[12:17 PM] Lily Lewellen giggles.
[12:17 PM] Misa Friller: Yessss, that would be awesome
[12:17 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: thats a good endeavor
[12:17 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Plenty of.. no wait.
[12:17 PM] Misa Friller: Too bad plenty of fish is trademarked
[12:17 PM] Lily Lewellen: XD
[12:17 PM] Misa Friller: GMTA 😀
[12:17 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome to you both glad yer here
[12:18 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): “Behind the Nrt”
[12:18 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): *Net
[12:18 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Questions and support requests
Now – what general questions can we discuss here today? Where do our aquatics need help? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[12:18 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: if you have any pressing questions about merfolking in sl now is a great time to ask.
[12:18 PM] Lily Lewellen: Rhodan needs a school of fish…
[12:19 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: make it art school I’ll be there
[12:19 PM] Misa Friller: If we’re a school of fish, does this mean we’re in a school zone?
[12:19 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I got my little chubbies swimming around me.
[12:19 PM] Lily Lewellen: swim slowly while in the area
[12:19 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident) rasies hand
[12:19 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): …raises even
[12:20 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay Angel you have a question
[12:20 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice you have the gesture
[12:20 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: the floor is yours
[12:20 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): thank you all for the warm welcome 🙂 I just have a general question regarding the needs and wants in sl for undersea living 🙂
[12:21 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): is there anything missing….apart from wife finding ;P ….that can be provided in a new space for a hangout?
[12:21 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): A wishlist so to speak
[12:21 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: well I require for rocks above water to actually reach the seafloor.
[12:21 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Maybe they’re all pumice?
[12:21 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: otherwise I avoid
[12:22 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: you don’t wanna build a light house on pumice mate
[12:22 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Good sim design is important, but I think the question is more amenities.
[12:22 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Hahaha noted
[12:22 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: not very stable
[12:22 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Why not? It’s not a heavy house after all.
[12:22 PM] Peaches2U Camino: prims, its all about the primmmms
[12:22 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: well yes I know but it can topple over
[12:23 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): So what kind of amenities Rhodan?
[12:23 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): Angel are you on the swf hangout list?
[12:23 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): If not I can send you an app for it
[12:23 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: oh right! thats an important list
[12:23 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): I’m not sure…..we put out an ad in the ring here
[12:23 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): but I don’t think we filled anything out
[12:24 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: being on the list increases your traffic too
[12:24 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): I’ll send you an app so youre on the list
[12:24 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Places to sit, socialize and dance with proper animations are the basics of a good hangout spot.
[12:24 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Thanks Tabi 🙂
[12:24 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Ahhh so there are mer dances then
[12:25 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: animals too. you can get sharks that aren’t scripted to eat people
[12:25 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): haha yeah I avoided those, kina doesn’t like sharks
[12:25 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): so we only have one of them 😛
[12:25 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): There are a few, but not many specifically for bento tails. So dancing is tricky for fish. Merfolk animations are incredibly lacking since there’s no mocap repositories for people to steal from.
[12:26 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: understood. I’m a little jumpy when I see one I don’t recognize either
[12:27 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): The main thing people wanna see in a hangout is other people to do the hanging out with. But of a catch-22.
[12:27 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): *Bit
[12:27 PM] Lily Lewellen: I removed my sharks because one of my friends has a fear of sharks due to Jaws
[12:27 PM] Laurie (laurie318 Resident): lol
[12:27 PM] Fae (Fae Sapphire): LOL
[12:27 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we just have little timid ones
[12:27 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Mhmm thats always a catching point….and yep….Lily that’d be the thing 😛
[12:28 PM] Fae (Fae Sapphire): 1 that movie was not scary
[12:28 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: depends who you ask
[12:28 PM] Peaches2U Camino: yeup!
[12:28 PM] Laurie (laurie318 Resident): scared me
[12:28 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I saw it when I was five it was so hard to get me in the pool
[12:29 PM] Laurie (laurie318 Resident): never swam without thinking of jaws
[12:29 PM] Peaches2U Camino: i still will not go in the ocean
[12:29 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): I’m with ya there….two things I’m afraid of rl…sharks and gators ;p
[12:29 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: oh we need to move on, um we can write down ideas and pass them in a note card
[12:29 PM] Peaches2U Camino: orca tossing a seal to you as a thanks….no i am good
[12:29 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: will that be okay?
[12:29 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Appreciate the suggestions everyone 🙂
[12:29 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Yes ma’am
[12:30 PM] Fae (Fae Sapphire): That’s all I go to. I don’t like fresh watter that much
[12:30 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okey dokey ?
[12:30 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: great discussion
[12:30 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Quick reminders/announcements

Ad boards are awesome because they can help newer merfolk and aquatics find places to swim. If you need mer traffic, please consider renting an ad board.
[12:30 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Perks include helping the group and being allowed to post ads in the group chat twice per week. Add in the fact that anyone can ask for the stick and that is great exposure.
[12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: You might also consider being a hang out.

Be sure to visit the safe waters foundation web site and event calendar at https://swfsl.com/
[12:31 PM] Fae (Fae Sapphire): Besides, sharks aren’t even interested in people unless they bother them
[12:31 PM] Lily Lewellen: Got one
[12:31 PM] Misa Friller: or are bleeding.
[12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: depends on the species out of 300 species maybe 8 are aggressive
[12:32 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: and now…
Public service announcements
Now we allow a limited time for publicity. Who has something fun to share? A store, new sim, event, or news? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[12:32 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[12:32 PM] Fae (Fae Sapphire): Those are bullsharks and oceanic white tips
[12:32 PM] [Theatre] :: Fluffy Petter 1.07: the cat has gained total fluffiness level ~ 26840!
[12:33 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[12:33 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: and reefs, makos, hammerheads
[12:33 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi) realizes the lil merkids are here and sits up
[12:33 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[12:33 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: which always makes me nervous when Lilo swims out to give pudge the fish a sandwich
[12:34 PM] Fae (Fae Sapphire): Not those are the ones that have been provoked. just leave them alone and stay your distance and they will stay away
[12:34 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[12:34 PM] [Theatre] :: Fluffy Petter 1.07: the cat has gained total fluffiness level ~ 26850!
[12:34 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay well Cat has a share
[12:34 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: the stick is yours
[12:34 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): eep
[12:34 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): me already?
[12:34 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: o fluufy one
[12:35 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: yer first
[12:35 PM] Lily Lewellen: Yes, we have leveled you up for this. XD
[12:35 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): oh okies… thought I would be further down the list, but
[12:35 PM] Misa Friller: xD
[12:35 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): I has one usual announcement, which I really should get onto a notecard, but here it is
[12:35 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): since we has mew friends (new friends) today
[12:35 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): hang on
[12:36 PM] Misa Friller meows.
[12:36 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): there we go
[12:36 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): anyways, it’s about my mermish generator HUD
[12:36 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): if you’d like, please drop me an IM to receive a (FREE!!) copy of a mermish generator HUD I wrote
[12:36 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): a new version?
[12:36 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): it’s pretty sweet
[12:37 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): same ol’
[12:37 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): v0.7 is the latest
[12:37 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): ok
[12:37 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): it works by checking your input against a list of words and then plonking in filler syllables
[12:37 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): sounds a bit like hawaiian imo
12:37 PM: Sapphira Franizzi: Tala! Lulli fan nu sessli hotralu. Tanlu fan lunura’u an’u? Llali selulli fan nulto ulala tan llali delu.
12:37 PM: Sapphira Franizzi: Hello! This is a test passage. How is everyone doing? The output is all nonsense by the way.
[12:38 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): I wrote this to replace the older mermish generator, which tbh was not very good =^-^=
[12:38 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): that’s all from me =3
[12:38 PM] joanneroyal Resident (JoAnne Royal-Stark) is Offline
[12:38 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[12:38 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[12:38 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Cat
[12:38 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): sorry my announcement isn’t very organized
[12:38 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Sounds awesome!
[12:38 PM] Peaches2U Camino: may I have a new one please
[12:38 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): also the mermish HUD is free and FP so please feel free to share it
[12:39 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay any one else need to share today?
[12:39 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): Thanks Cat for making it!
[12:39 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): I will just briefly if its ok
[12:39 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: swim on down
[12:39 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[12:39 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): next time i’ll be in mer regalia ;P
[12:40 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi) headbutts Tangeliah playfully
[12:40 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): i was just late to the party
[12:40 PM] Peaches2U Camino: yer right on time^^
[12:40 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): no shame not having a tail
[12:40 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): doesn’t make you less of a mer
[12:40 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): So I just wanted to say that everyone is welcome at our place, though it is an adult sim. Its actually two things. Its a nude beach resort up top and a mer haven under water
[12:40 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: nerids and nymphs generally have legs
[12:41 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Here is the URL http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Perfect%20Fantasy/144/248/24
[12:41 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Nude beach on top? But merfolk are mostly nude on the bottom!
[12:41 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): I can send the landmark to any who want it, just im me:)
[12:41 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: cool
[12:41 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): I’ll work on some upgrades based on the suggestions but we’re open and free for anyone who wants to come hang out
[12:41 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): Our family lives there so we’re on the sim most of the time
[12:42 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident): That’s all from me for now. We’ll be doing events in future
[12:42 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[12:42 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[12:42 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Angel
[12:42 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[12:42 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay anyone else?
[12:43 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay well I have two shares.
[12:44 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: first is the bats in the belfry hunt. its a kid friendly hunt still accepting applications
[12:44 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I have the application if you need it
12:44 PM: Sapphira Franizzi: meow
12:44 PM: : *meow
[12:45 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: next up in my home sim Antiquity
[12:45 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): How do you pronounce belfry? I am foreign as heck and I need to know this for future punning.
[12:45 PM] Cordelia Tasselweed (CordeliaTasselweed Resident): bell free
[12:45 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): bell-fry, like frying the bell
[12:45 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: i pronounce it bell free
[12:46 PM] Misa Friller: better free it before wefry it
[12:46 PM] Lily Lewellen: XD
[12:46 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I mean it is keeping the bell caged so that would be delightful irony.
[12:46 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we have 16 sims to swim through, homes available, shopping spaces, mer spots, and active groups.
[12:46 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: We are totally inclusive, kids, mers, furs, landers all welcome and as always, we’re LGBT+ friendly.
[12:47 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: mertoplessness is still allowed but keep it underwater
[12:47 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: you’ll scare the humans
[12:47 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Insert famous line from Disney mermaid song.
[12:47 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Take it from me ?
[12:48 PM] Misa Friller: Up on the shore they work all day… no thanks
[12:48 PM] Lily Lewellen giggles.
[12:48 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: We are a light rp place but this also means you can im someone and ask if they wanna rp and you might get favorable results. We don’t have set stories each week so everyone is welcome to work out their own.
[12:48 PM] Peaches2U Camino: lolol
[12:48 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we have a system called TCS. its a craft/trade/rp system that allows you to trade goods with other mers or landers. You can harvest and create things.
[12:49 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we also have shops and houses to rent here,
So if you have any questions, or need lms please shoot me an im. Persu em 🙂
[12:49 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: any one else need to share?
[12:49 PM] Lily Lewellen: I guess I can
[12:49 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: swim on down Lily
[12:50 PM] Peaches2U Camino: yaaaaay
[12:50 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: you can use the podium
[12:51 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: lily?
[12:51 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: you good?
[12:51 PM] Misa Friller: She’s lagging atm
[12:51 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ooh
[12:52 PM] Misa Friller: It’s taking to infinity and beyond to send her message
[12:52 PM] Lily Lewellen: Sooo… I do have a board here and at the tp area. I have just opened my land Hippocampus Reef. It is a mer hangout. The LM is in the board and it is Pg rated area. S
[12:52 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: hrm
[12:52 PM] Angel Kavanagh-Taylor (AngelWaldencork Resident) received your inventory offer.
[12:53 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: cool
[12:54 PM] Lily Lewellen: The hippocampus are out swimming and are a bit too friendly. Just ignore them or go ahead and ride them around. ^^
[12:54 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Yay hippocampi
[12:54 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Careful tho, they have a pretty strong fight or flight response. Get it because brains
[12:54 PM] Lily Lewellen: I have areas on land and in the sea so go ahead and explore
[12:54 PM] Peaches2U Camino: hahah
[12:54 PM] Lily Lewellen: You are also welcomed into the mer house below. ^^
[12:54 PM] Lily Lewellen: that is all
[12:54 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[12:54 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[12:54 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Lily
[12:54 PM] Lily Lewellen: Thank oyu!
[12:55 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: peach do you have time?
[12:55 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Yesah
[12:55 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[12:55 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: you can have the stick
[12:55 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Trades talking stick for peanut butter and jellyfish puffs
[12:55 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Tala!
[12:55 PM] cat (Sapphira Franizzi) nibbles the stick =B
[12:55 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Glad to be here Seaples!
[12:55 PM] Peaches2U Camino: passes Fina a huge shrimp
[12:55 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Wanderlust Weekend: September 21 – 22, 2024

L$50 mermade. // Narwhal: FATPACK BOM & HUD 1.4 (Nemissa)
You do not get one, not two, or three….nuuu you get FOUR BOM for the Nemissa mertail for only FIFTY LINDENS!
[12:56 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Bu bu bu I do not own the NEMISSA TAIL and the creator left SL, insert sad face here.
[12:56 PM] Peaches2U Camino: There IS a NEMISSA VENDOR STILL in this very shop, It even has a DEMO. Fits Maitreya Lara, Legacy Female and Legacy Male.
“Uhmm, don’t touch nuthin, don’t look at nuthin, don’t ask for nu…”
TRY THE DANG DEMOS, smh!!!!!!!!!
[12:56 PM] Peaches2U Camino: *PLEASE READ, and READ AGAIN*
This vendor is NOT owned or maintained by Mermade.
Redelivery of products does NOT work.
*Gifting products does NOT work
ANY transaction or product issues can NOT be resolved by Mermade!
[12:56 PM] Peaches2U Camino: But Peaches, is it worth it?
If you have one of those bodies, hel…erm YUSS!
[12:57 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Its just one tail Peaches.
You better READ that vendor again.
[12:57 PM] Peaches2U Camino: 16 tintable color based skins
2 tintable black and white skins
5 tintable option layers
tail posing hud
simple tail AO
AND Creators Kit INCLUDED!
[12:57 PM] Peaches2U Camino: cover your ears
[12:58 PM] Peaches2U Camino: any questions?
[12:58 PM] Lily Lewellen: Can also use the tail ao with ripetide… >.>
[12:58 PM] Peaches2U Camino: unsure
[12:58 PM] Peaches2U Camino: the ao is in the tail
[12:58 PM] Peaches2U Camino: sad that I saw a human buy the BOM
[12:58 PM] Peaches2U Camino: not knowing she needed the tail
[12:59 PM] Peaches2U Camino: am wearing it
[12:59 PM] Peaches2U Camino: any other questions?
[12:59 PM] Lily Lewellen: yes, you can. Rip animation script from tail poser to the riptide. ^^
[12:59 PM] Peaches2U Camino: WOOOOOOOOT
[12:59 PM] Peaches2U Camino: ~Persu Em~
[12:59 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Thank you
[12:59 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Lily!!!!!!
[12:59 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): Great Info Peaches
[12:59 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: and thank you Peach ?
[12:59 PM] Peaches2U Camino: oh and all you peeps rocketh!!!!
[01:00 PM] Peaches2U Camino: done
[01:00 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: great meeting, lots of shares
[01:00 PM] Lily Lewellen: It works.
[01:00 PM] Peaches2U Camino: trades talking stick back
[01:00 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: This meeting is now adjourned. Remember our SWF goals:

  • to assist those considering an underwater life
  • to increase awareness in the general public that there is an underwater option
  • to make mer resources (events, projects, groups, retailers, sims, designers) visible and easily accessible
  • to assist, as possible, with the viability of mer resources so they may continue to be available to the community
  • to promote the conservation of rl oceans, lakes and waterways and the nature that relies on them

Now go mingle and explore! Thanks for joining us this day!!