[12:00 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.
Welcome new and old aquatics and friends!
[12:01 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[12:01 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t rep[12:01 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.
Welcome new and old aquatics and friends!
[12:01 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[12:01 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t repeat things for latecomers – a log is posted on our blog after the meeting. This is not a place for public debate – this is a helpful place. we all help each other slive an aquatic lifestyle.
[12:02 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Because we usually have good attendance – please take a moment to remove all extra attachments and huds. We’d like you to dress low lag. Big poofy hair and jewelry are big culprits, as are bubbles, script things, huds, and such. If we all cooperate, more merfolk can participate with less crashing. Thank you for your help with this.
[12:02 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala
[12:02 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: so how was yer week seafolk?
[12:02 PM] Cordelia Tasselweed (CordeliaTasselweed Resident): Tala Sky
[12:03 PM] ????? (CrazyOne13 Resident): ~Tala~
[12:03 PM] Oscar Carlucci (oliverking Carlucci): tala sky
[12:03 PM] Laurie Carlucci (laurie318 Resident): tala sky
[12:03 PM] ????? (CrazyOne13 Resident): lovely to be here
[12:03 PM] Cordelia Tasselweed (CordeliaTasselweed Resident): the week was ok, just trying to enjoy a day off 🙂
[12:03 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[12:04 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: thats good. hopefully we’ll help with that
[12:04 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay
[12:04 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Our priority today is support – we’re all here to help each other, cause we’re awesome like that.
[12:05 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so the order is my introduction-done, introduce the new folks, sharing questions, ideas, and support to help each other-ie; tails, hair, bodies, AOs, requests, etc, then PSAs and promotion of events, sales or what ever else needs to be shared, then I close us out with our goals, maybe a group hug and picture.
So here we go!!
[12:05 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ama!
[12:05 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: are you hear to share about the 12 days of giving?
[12:06 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala
[12:06 PM] ????? (CrazyOne13 Resident): ~Tala~
[12:06 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome
[12:06 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Introductions
If you have brought someone new to this gathering, please introduce them now. If you are new and wish to introduce yourself please do so now.
just click on the podium to sit on it or sit were you are if thats just easier.
[12:06 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: A very short sentence is all that is needed – for example: hi, I am (your name) and I discovered aquatics (brief description of how you found us) and what I love about being aquatic is (explain here).
[12:06 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: so anyone new?
[12:07 PM] Rumi Liu (Aelynn Nayar): tala
[12:07 PM] Oscar Carlucci (oliverking Carlucci): tala rumi
[12:07 PM] Oscar Carlucci fi>en: ugly as hell
[12:07 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: oO’
[12:07 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: no one is ugly here
[12:08 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: let’s have some good positive self images ?
[12:08 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: besides we’re seacreatures we will look awesome no matter what ?
[12:09 PM] Amadine Abonwood: Ya know, not everyone thinks Hell is ugly. Especially when it’s all decorated for Christmas.
[12:09 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: -=giggles=-
[12:09 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: the fire pits do look rather festive
[12:09 PM] Amadine Abonwood: Though I imagine being in Michigan it can be EXTREMELY cold!
[12:09 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: -=giggles=-
[12:10 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so no new folk, lets swim on to tech support
[12:10 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Questions and support requests
Now – what general questions can we discuss here today? Where do our aquatics need help? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[12:10 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[12:11 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: though we more time today
[12:11 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: if you have any pressing questions about merfolking in sl now is a great time to ask.
[12:11 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: anyone?
[12:13 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: oh btw I have hand raise gestures, so if you use those I know you’re typing out a question
[12:13 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: just saying might help
[12:14 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: but no questions today?
[12:14 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: thats fine, we’ll move on to promotions
[12:14 PM] Cordelia Tasselweed (CordeliaTasselweed Resident): doesnt seem like it
[12:14 PM] Laurie Carlucci (laurie318 Resident): giggles
[12:15 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I always worry someone is asking in voice and I don’t use voice so I won’t hear them…
[12:15 PM] Cordelia Tasselweed (CordeliaTasselweed Resident): oh good point
[12:15 PM] Laurie Carlucci (laurie318 Resident): i don’t hear anyone
[12:15 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: so then i feel bad. I should add that to the intro
[12:15 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: hi Peach ?
[12:15 PM] ????? (CrazyOne13 Resident): ~Tala~
[12:15 PM] Cordelia Tasselweed (CordeliaTasselweed Resident): Tala Peach
[12:15 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: no peachlets?
[12:16 PM] Oscar Carlucci (oliverking Carlucci): Tala peach
[12:16 PM] Rumi Liu (Aelynn Nayar): tala
[12:16 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay then we shall swim onto promotions
[12:16 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Tala!
[12:16 PM] Laurie Carlucci (laurie318 Resident): tala peach
[12:16 PM] Peaches2U Camino: just woke^^
[12:17 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: but first… Quick reminders/announcements
Ad boards are awesome because they can help newer merfolk and aquatics find places to swim. If you need mer traffic, please consider renting an ad board.
[12:17 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Perks include helping the group and being allowed to post ads in the group chat twice per week. Add in the fact that anyone can ask for the stick and that is great exposure.
[12:17 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: You might also consider being a hang out.
Be sure to visit the safe waters foundation web site and event calendar at https://swfsl.com/
[12:17 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: and now…
Public service announcements
Now we allow a limited time for publicity. Who has something fun to share? A store, new sim, event, or news? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[12:18 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[12:18 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: so any shares today?
[12:18 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Peach, swim on up
[12:19 PM] Peaches2U Camino: trades the talking stick for a hug of Miranda n Ray
[12:19 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala welcome
[12:19 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: hugs
[12:19 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Tala!
[12:19 PM] Peaches2U Camino: all
[12:19 PM] Peaches2U Camino: glad to be here
[12:20 PM] Peaches2U Camino: ever NOT set the alarm
[12:20 PM] Peaches2U Camino: thinking….o I will wake up
[12:20 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: oooh you glow
[12:20 PM] Peaches2U Camino: before that
[12:20 PM] Peaches2U Camino: O.o
[12:20 PM] Peaches2U Camino: might be pbr
[12:20 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ok
[12:21 PM] Peaches2U Camino: have two shares
[12:21 PM] Peaches2U Camino: saved to my flickr
[12:21 PM] Peaches2U Camino: https://www.flickr.com/photos/160267020@N04/54166792288/in/dateposted/
[12:21 PM] Peaches2U Camino: free is good
[12:21 PM] Peaches2U Camino: and hair is even better
[12:21 PM] Peaches2U Camino: uif is even better
[12:21 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: wow
[12:22 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Universal Item Found
[12:22 PM] Peaches2U Camino: is on land
[12:22 PM] Peaches2U Camino: no water nearby
[12:22 PM] Peaches2U Camino: hydrate well
[12:22 PM] Peaches2U Camino: worth it
[12:22 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: where can I get the hair?
[12:22 PM] Peaches2U Camino: already blogged about the BOM to these fins
[12:23 PM] Peaches2U Camino: the slurl is on that page
[12:23 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ok
[12:23 PM] Peaches2U Camino: in the description^^
[12:23 PM] Peaches2U Camino: some is rigged
[12:23 PM] Peaches2U Camino: some are not
[12:23 PM] Peaches2U Camino: multi colors
[12:24 PM] Peaches2U Camino: wore one for this pic
[12:24 PM] Peaches2U Camino: https://www.flickr.com/photos/160267020@N04/54169043993/in/photostream/
[12:24 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice
[12:24 PM] Peaches2U Camino: description on that page shows slurls to get to the errrrm
[12:24 PM] Peaches2U Camino: chest feathers for certain sizes of females
[12:25 PM] Peaches2U Camino: am still wearing lara 5.3
[12:25 PM] Peaches2U Camino: some larax fits
[12:25 PM] Peaches2U Camino: always try demos
[12:25 PM] Peaches2U Camino: they have other group gifts
[12:25 PM] Peaches2U Camino: for u guys as well
[12:25 PM] ????? (CrazyOne13 Resident): ty peaches
[12:25 PM] Rumi Liu (Aelynn Nayar): is there legacy?
[12:25 PM] Peaches2U Camino: feathers, fur, chains, stuffs
[12:26 PM] Peaches2U Camino: not sure, because I truly never check and toss the other sizes
[12:26 PM] Peaches2U Camino: sorry
[12:26 PM] Peaches2U Camino: even if it does not say your size
[12:27 PM] Peaches2U Camino: always try the other sized demos
[12:27 PM] Peaches2U Camino: jewelry or feather layout makes a diff
[12:27 PM] Peaches2U Camino: necklace is from Pure Poison
[12:27 PM] Peaches2U Camino: their group was free when I joined
[12:27 PM] Peaches2U Camino: not sure if it is still free at this time
[12:27 PM] Peaches2U Camino: third share
[12:28 PM] Peaches2U Camino: juggle your groups now
[12:28 PM] Peaches2U Camino: trolls annd griefers are getting riled up
[12:28 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: hrm?
[12:28 PM] Peaches2U Camino: group owners are starting to charge a fee to keep them out of group chats
[12:28 PM] Peaches2U Camino: making it harder for them to steal or hack accounts
[12:28 PM] Peaches2U Camino: do not accept free items
[12:29 PM] Peaches2U Camino: even from a friend
[12:29 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: aye
[12:29 PM] Peaches2U Camino: until AFTER you verified it is them
[12:29 PM] Peaches2U Camino: my friends know they are getting a gift from me because of a word that is sent
[12:29 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: if only Moshi moshi worked
[12:29 PM] Peaches2U Camino: or my style of speak
[12:29 PM] Peaches2U Camino: ikr^^
[12:29 PM] Peaches2U Camino: sorry
[12:30 PM] Peaches2U Camino: sorry for my spelling
[12:30 PM] Peaches2U Camino: fudge
[12:30 PM] Peaches2U Camino: screeen is blank
[12:30 PM] Peaches2U Camino: cannot see
[12:30 PM] Peaches2U Camino: gives back talking stick
[12:30 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: i’ve been typoing a lot too. I’ll edit for you
[12:30 PM] Peaches2U Camino: huggles Miranda and Ray of Sunshine
[12:30 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: huggles back [12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: hey Ama you there? [12:31 PM] Peaches2U Camino: got it [12:31 PM] Peaches2U Camino: ~Persu Em~ [12:31 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Thank you [12:31 PM] Peaches2U Camino: alll [12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ok i’ll do her share [12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: thank you for sharing [12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I’ll go to the place later [12:32 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: would any one like to share before I do? [12:32 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: share I mean, not leave [12:33 PM] Laurie Carlucci (laurie318 Resident): ?????? APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE?????? [12:33 PM] Laurie Carlucci (laurie318 Resident): ?????? APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE?????? [12:33 PM] Laurie Carlucci (laurie318 Resident): ?????? APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE?????? [12:33 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay Ama yer up [12:34 PM] Peaches2U Camino: coooool name!! [12:34 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Ama and I go waaaaay back ? [12:34 PM] Amadine Abonwood: Hey everyone! Sorry I’m not around a lot. I wanted to remind everyone we’ve got the “12 Days of Christmas Giving” starting on December 25th (Christmas Day). There’s 13 locations, one for each day through January 6th, with at least one location having multiple gifts available. [12:35 PM] Amadine Abonwood: This is NOT a hunt, and each day will be a different gift release. [12:36 PM] Amadine Abonwood: Thats the list with dates and locations. [12:36 PM] Amadine Abonwood gave you 12 Days of Christmas Giving Locations 2024. [12:37 PM] Cordelia Tasselweed (CordeliaTasselweed Resident): thanks 🙂 [12:37 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: oh its ready too go. cool [12:37 PM] Peaches2U Camino: ~Persu Em~ [12:37 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Thank you [12:37 PM] Ellen Ireland is Online [12:37 PM] Amadine Abonwood: Yup! Ish compiled everything last night. [12:37 PM] Peaches2U Camino: you rocketh!!! woot woot wooot [12:37 PM] Rumi Liu (Aelynn Nayar): woo thank you [12:38 PM] Amadine Abonwood: Any questions before I swim back down? [12:38 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice ? [12:39 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: oh you might check with bea to make sure, she didn’t see the stuff you send to vendors [12:39 PM] Amadine Abonwood: Shoula’ been a box. I’ll flip to Ish after the meeting and check. [12:40 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ok [12:40 PM] Amadine Abonwood: Thank you for your time! [12:40 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: wow we’re making good time I was worried about ending early [12:41 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: any other shares? want the gesture I mention? [12:41 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: if not, here I go. [12:41 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Tala I’m Miranda and I come from Antiquity. we have 16 sims to swim through, homes available, shopping spaces, mer spots, and active groups. [12:42 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: We are totally inclusive, kids, mers, furs, landers all welcome and as always, we’re LGBT+ friendly. [12:42 PM] Peaches2U Camino: Wooooooooot! [12:42 PM] Ellen Ireland is Offline [12:42 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we like to be a refuge from rl [12:43 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: mertoplessness is still over underwater [12:43 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: still ok
[12:43 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: cause you know they’re just boobs. just don’t flash the humans. they’ll get nosebleeds and nose bleeds attract sharks.
[12:43 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: more paper for dad
[12:43 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: paperwork
[12:44 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: stuff anit easy to get either
[12:44 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: We are a light rp place but this also means you can im someone and ask if they wanna rp and you might get favorable results. We don’t have set stories each week so everyone is welcome to work out their own.
[12:44 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we have a system called TCS. its a craft/trade/rp system that allows you to trade goods with other mers or landers. You can harvest and create things.
[12:45 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we also have shops and houses to rent here,
So if you have any questions, or need lms please shoot me an im. Persu em 🙂
[12:45 PM] Ashlee Pluto is Online
[12:45 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay any last minute shares?
[12:46 PM] Rumi Liu (Aelynn Nayar): ooh I want to check that out
[12:46 PM] Rumi Liu (Aelynn Nayar): if you can send me a lm
[12:46 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: yes ?
[12:46 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I will send you an nc with the lms
[12:46 PM] Rumi Liu (Aelynn Nayar): yay ty
[12:46 PM] Inventory item offered to Rumi Liu (Aelynn Nayar)
[12:47 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[12:47 PM] Peaches2U Camino: woooot woot wooooot!!
[12:47 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: anyone else?
[12:48 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we can adjourn so you can enjoy the day doing you stuff
[12:48 PM] Rumi Liu (Aelynn Nayar): thank you for the meeting
[12:48 PM] Peaches2U Camino: you rocketh!!!!!!!
[12:48 PM] Amadine Abonwood: Have a great day! I’ll get Ish and check the boxes.
[12:48 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: yer very welcome
[12:48 PM] ????? (CrazyOne13 Resident): take care guys
[12:48 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: thank you for comming
[12:48 PM] Peaches2U Camino: ?????? APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE??????
[12:48 PM] Peaches2U Camino: ?????? APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE??????
[12:48 PM] Peaches2U Camino: ?????? APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE??????
[12:48 PM] Arilisa (Arilisa43 Resident): Take care, everyone.
[12:48 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: This meeting is now adjourned. Remember our SWF goals:
- to assist those considering an underwater life
- to increase awareness in the general public that there is an underwater option
- to make mer resources (events, projects, groups, retailers, sims, designers) visible and easily accessible
- to assist, as possible, with the viability of mer resources so they may continue to be available to the community
- to promote the conservation of rl oceans, lakes and waterways and the nature that relies on them
Now go mingle and explore!