[12:00 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.
[12:01 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome new and old aquatics and friends!
Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[12:01 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala
[12:01 PM] Dahlia Bouevier greets you in merish: Tala…
[12:02 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Tala! ?
[12:02 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t repeat things for latecomers – a log is posted on our blog after the meeting. This is not a place for public debate – this is a helpful place. we all help each other slive an aquatic lifestyle.
[12:02 PM] Tarrah Aphrodite: Tala all <3 [12:02 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Because we usually have good attendance – please take a moment to remove all extra attachments and huds. We’d like you to dress low lag. Big poofy hair and jewelry are big culprits, as are bubbles, script things, huds, and such. If we all cooperate, more merfolk can participate with less crashing. Thank you for your help with this. [12:02 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident) Greets you [12:02 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): ??~~>><>TalaOo?? [12:02 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): Dahlia [12:02 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: how was yer week seafolk? [12:02 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Rough but three day weekend! 😀 [12:03 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice ? [12:03 PM] Dana Enyo: Good! LOVELY weather! [12:03 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): All of my weekends are three-day weekends. Woo [12:03 PM] Dahlia Bouevier: its been a smooth week, ty! Hope you had a good week ?????? [12:03 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I just found out that the kid that makes tweenster is retiring and closing up shop [12:04 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Also I have a bag of shrimp chips/crisps. Woo! Shrimps is bugs. [12:04 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): *shrimp [12:04 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Shrimps /is/ bugs. [12:04 PM] Tarrah Aphrodite: Bit rough at the start of the week, but Friday was a good day 🙂 [12:04 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Have a hat that proves it [12:04 PM] Tarrah Aphrodite: me too [12:04 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I esimate maybe 5 years at the most before I’m forced to find a new body [12:04 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I knew it, Miranda is a bodysnatcher. [12:04 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: thats good Tarrah [12:04 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Pod children of the corn. [12:04 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: what whut? [12:05 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: grrr [12:05 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Dany ? [12:05 PM] Dany Merrow: Z [12:05 PM] Dany Merrow: ~Tala~ [12:05 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Dany! ? [12:05 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: *sighs* [12:05 PM] Long Range: Cuge Causten [95m] [12:05 PM] Dany Merrow: ?? [12:05 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala Dany [12:05 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident) Greets you [12:05 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): ??>><>TalaOo~~??
[12:05 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): dany
[12:06 PM] Close Range: Cuge Causten [38m]
[12:06 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Our priority today is support – we’re all here to help each other, cause we’re awesome like that.
[12:06 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so the order is my introduction-done, introduce the new folks, sharing questions, ideas, and support to help each other-ie; tails, hair, bodies, AOs, requests, etc, then PSAs and promotion of events, sales or what ever else needs to be shared, then I close us out with our goals, maybe a group hug and picture.
So here we go!!
[12:07 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Introductions
If you have brought someone new to this gathering, please introduce them now. If you are new and wish to introduce yourself please do so now.
just click on the podium to sit on it or sit were you are if thats just easier.
[12:07 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: lag monster does breathe underwater
[12:07 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): The monster of lag ness.
[12:08 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: A very short sentence is all that is needed – for example: hi, I am (your name) and I discovered aquatics (brief description of how you found us) and what I love about being aquatic is (explain here).
[12:08 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[12:08 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: also wouldn’t I be children of the kelp?
[12:08 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we need to make that a thing…
[12:08 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Yeah whats corn?
[12:09 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: so anyone new today?
[12:09 PM] Miranda Barrowstone looks around and causally reads the chat history in case she missed someone again
[12:10 PM] Rocsas Neralga (Roxas Rebane): Tala! its my first meeting here…. But Im an old merman… Well 33 yo in RL, playing SL since like 10 years
[12:10 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol welcome to the meeting glad you made it
[12:10 PM] Dana Enyo: Welcome to the gathering!
[12:10 PM] Tarrah Aphrodite: Welcome! Tala!
[12:10 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Tala and welcome! ?
[12:10 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Welcome!
[12:10 PM] Dany Merrow: welocomes 🙂
[12:10 PM] Rocsas Neralga (Roxas Rebane): Tahnk you! My native language is french, i’m from Switzxerland
[12:11 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: so what do you enjoy the most about being a mer
[12:11 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: cool
[12:11 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): grützi!
[12:11 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Gasp, a chocolate rival.
[12:11 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[12:11 PM] Rocsas Neralga (Roxas Rebane): hahah yea good chocolates here…
[12:11 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: aye
[12:11 PM] Dana Enyo: Hey, I’m in Yucatan. The Maya INVENTED chocolate.
[12:11 PM] Rocsas Neralga (Roxas Rebane): I dont know I like exploring, chilling, meeting other mers… the peaceful atmosphere
[12:12 PM] Rocsas Neralga (Roxas Rebane): thx!
[12:12 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah that sounds nice ?
[12:12 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: any one else?
[12:12 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: this is true Dana
[12:13 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: they also invented popcorn, why they didn’t make the jump to chocolate popcorn I don’t know
[12:13 PM] Dahlia Bouevier: I love the mermaid bra showing
[12:14 PM] Rocsas Neralga (Roxas Rebane): actually in one of my fav shop, I always buy chocolate popcorn
[12:14 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so again, welcome and we shall swim on
[12:14 PM] Miranda Barrowstone checks self
[12:14 PM] Rocsas Neralga (Roxas Rebane): thx again!
[12:14 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay I’m safe
[12:14 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Questions and support requests
Now – what general questions can we discuss here today? Where do our aquatics need help? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[12:15 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: popular topics often include tails, “why won’t my ao work?” “where can I find such and such?”
[12:16 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): “Why are y’alls so darn cute?”
[12:16 PM] Dana Enyo raises her tail
[12:16 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: yes?
[12:16 PM] Dahlia Bouevier giggles
[12:16 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: aww thanks Rho
[12:16 PM] Dana Enyo: I just wonder how everyone is doing in the “new PBR viewer” department? LOTS of pain since the launch last June…
[12:16 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I have no idea what that is
[12:16 PM] Tarrah Aphrodite: im a PBR addict >.<
[12:16 PM] Dana Enyo: but I”ve been working in PBR since last February, always using the latest beta Firestorm
[12:16 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): I’m doing good with it but I have a gaming laptop
[12:17 PM] Dany Merrow: no its just fine in june and still is on sl and alchemy
[12:17 PM] Saiyge Lotus-Fairelander (Saiyge Lotus): Ive been using it since early development and <3 it.
[12:17 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): Miranda it lets you see reflection like in mirrors and such
[12:17 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: I’ve been on Alchemy for quite a while and make efforts to include PBR materials in my works.
[12:17 PM] Dana Enyo: If you are seeing my jacket and tail ina mirror finish, you are seeing it in PBR
[12:17 PM] Dahlia Bouevier: textures wont stay loaded for me lately, they keep fading in and out
[12:17 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Other than seeing cute little reflections in older shiny prims now and then, I don’t notice it often other than a general improvement in what newer things look like. I could do without the horizon glitch in Kelpwick though.
[12:17 PM] Dana Enyo: Anyway, I just want to offer myself as a resource. If you have questions about ANYTHING to do with PBR, don’t hesitate to ask.
[12:17 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I’m on genesis and I just have graphics at high not ultra
[12:18 PM] Dana Enyo: Genesis is not doing PBR yet
[12:18 PM] Dana Enyo: I DO invite you all to try tne newest Firestorm beta version. Even if you can’t move well with it, log in with it just to see how things look.
[12:18 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): If textures keep fading in and out, that might be related to your graphics card memory. See if it is set to the same level in your viewer preferences as the actual amount your card supports.
[12:19 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I see detail but no shiny scales
[12:19 PM] Dana Enyo: Here’s the URL to get the latest: https://firestormviewer.org/early-access-beta-downloads/
[12:19 PM] Dany Merrow: thank you i stay on alchemy rather then fs – anyway 🙂
[12:19 PM] Dana Enyo: Alchemy is doing a very good job
[12:19 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Yus ?
[12:19 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: firestorm stopped working on my computer
[12:19 PM] Dahlia Bouevier: Will do, thank you ??
[12:20 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: They just have to fix the upload glitch:P
[12:20 PM] Dana Enyo: anyway, that’s it! I’m always open for questions. If I don’t know, maybe we find out together.
[12:20 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): Speaking of glitches The hangouts vendor is glitching
[12:20 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: alright any other questions?
[12:21 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): Builder will be fixing it soon. Just a heads up
[12:21 PM] Dany Merrow: ??
[12:21 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ok thanks
[12:22 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala
[12:22 PM] Qiao Lin (alycigirl Resident): :..? ???? Tala! ???? ??? ?..:
[12:22 PM] Qiao Lin (alycigirl Resident): Hello ??
[12:22 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Tala~
[12:22 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: alright if no other questions i’ll move us on
[12:23 PM] Dahlia Bouevier greets you in merish: Tala…
[12:23 PM] Dany Merrow: ???Tala???
[12:23 PM] Dany Merrow: Tala Qiao
[12:23 PM] Qiao Lin (alycigirl Resident): (????)????
[12:23 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Quick reminders/announcements
Ad boards are awesome because they can help newer merfolk and aquatics find places to swim. If you need mer traffic, please consider renting an ad board.
[12:23 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Perks include helping the group and being allowed to post ads in the group chat twice per week. Add in the fact that anyone can ask for the stick and that is great exposure.
[12:24 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: You might also consider being a hang out.
Be sure to visit the safe waters foundation web site and event calendar at https://swfsl.com/
[12:24 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala Kraken
[12:24 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: and now…
Public service announcements
Now we allow a limited time for publicity. Who has something fun to share? A store, new sim, event, or news? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[12:24 PM] drákos (Kraken Darkheart): Tala All
[12:24 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident) Greets you
[12:24 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): ??>><>TalaOo??
[12:24 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): drakos:)
[12:25 PM] Tarrah Aphrodite: Tala!
[12:25 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[12:25 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: IM if you will need the stick
[12:25 PM] Dany Merrow waves
[12:25 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: bribes graciously accepted
[12:25 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): lol
[12:26 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Tabi yer up
[12:26 PM] Dahlia Bouevier: Applause !!!
[12:26 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): ??????????
[12:26 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): all. Btw you all look amazing!!
[12:26 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): I wanted to talk about two things One
[12:26 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[12:26 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[12:26 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ^.^
[12:27 PM] Dahlia Bouevier: Wooo ty! you too ??
[12:27 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): ty tabi:-)
[12:27 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): I keep in contact with Grace via phone. She’s doing ok but still has trouble seeing etc.
[12:27 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): If you want to get in touch with her I’d suggest note card. If you want you can even send one to me and I’ll read it to her
[12:28 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): two Since Grace has been having trouble getting on we need our volunteers even more
[12:28 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): Ideas for more traffic etc always welcomed
[12:28 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): and If you’d like to be a volunteer please let me know
[12:28 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): Dany so many tell me you helped them btw You rock!!
[12:29 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: yay dany
[12:29 PM] Dahlia Bouevier: Applause !!!
[12:29 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): We were also thinking of maybe having dances here once a week or so
[12:29 PM] Dany Merrow: thank you 😉 i didnt do anything they did it themself 😉
[12:29 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I can’t dance I have two left fins.
[12:29 PM] Asteria Maxima (Asteria0Maxima Resident): If I may?
[12:29 PM] Dahlia Bouevier: Oh yeah! loved those ???????
[12:29 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): I have two DJ’s in mind to ask One I know one Ben knows
[12:30 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): hehe Rhodan!
[12:30 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): If someone would be interested in leading that please please let me know as I work hap hazzard in rl
[12:30 PM] Asteria Maxima (Asteria0Maxima Resident): If I may? I was just trying to coax a new Mer, here. I think she’s just a bit too nervous
[12:30 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): but if you have the gift of social and would like to host that informallly that would be great
[12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone smiles and waves at the well behaved small child
[12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Tabi
[12:31 PM] Dany Merrow: ??
[12:31 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): lol thanks Miranda No one is to eat her.
[12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay any one else need the stick?
[12:31 PM] Dahlia Bouevier giggles
[12:31 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: well if anyone tries we have weapons
[12:32 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): yes!!! and theyve tried
[12:32 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): lol
[12:32 PM] Miranda Barrowstone hands you a sword
[12:32 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I don’t need weapons, my charm is disarming. And if that doesn’t work I can always cry and beg and run away.
[12:33 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay I’ll take that as a no and I’ll grab the stick for me
[12:33 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ah Rho you take the same self defense my brother does
[12:33 PM] Dany Merrow: XD
[12:34 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Tala I’m Miranda and I come from Antiquity.
we have 16 sims to swim through, homes available, shopping spaces, mer spots, and active groups.
[12:34 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I am noone’s brother. Well, other than my sister’s but that’s an exception.
[12:34 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: that’s fair
[12:34 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: I make exceptions for my family a lot
[12:35 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: We are totally inclusive, kids, mers, furs, landers all welcome and as always, we’re LGBT+ friendly.
[12:36 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we still allow mertoplessness underwater
[12:36 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Just don’t flash the humans cause they faint. they get nosebleeds, that attracts sharks, more paper work for dad…
[12:36 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: We are a light rp place but this also means you can im someone and ask if they wanna rp and you might get favorable results. We don’t have set stories each week so everyone is welcome to work out their own.
[12:37 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: one time my cousin was a almost kidnapped by a Romulan
[12:37 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we have a system called TCS. its a craft/trade/rp system that allows you to trade goods with other mers or landers. You can harvest and create things.
[12:37 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Did they get him or did you ‘cling on’?
[12:38 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol naw she got a away. she has an interest in science so he was like “we can train her”
[12:38 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: we also have shops and houses to rent here,
So if you have any questions, or need lms please shoot me an im. Persu em ?
[12:39 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: you have the stick
[12:39 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Me?
[12:39 PM] Dany Merrow: ??
[12:39 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah weird I thought I typed your name
[12:39 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Rhodan has the stick
[12:40 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Hi lil fishies, I’m mayor Rhodan Fishbottoms from the lovely merfolk town of Kelpwick.
[12:40 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: yay
[12:40 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): It’s a little light RP/exploration sim where we welcome you to swim around, explore,. take pictures, hang out, send me loads of money and maybe take some pictures.
[12:42 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Kelpwick is an old mining town bordering a deep trench, the deepest in SL. It is set in an alternate world where merfolk society teeters on the brink of the Industrial revolution. Except some anachronisms here and there. Any resemblance to human fashions and architecture if a pure coinkidink.
[12:42 PM] Miranda Barrowstone grins
[12:42 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): We have some exciting new developments on the horizon, so I figured I do another little promotion to remind everyone that Kelpwick exists and is pretty neato. There’s a sea turtle! And a crab!
[12:43 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): 2 crabs if you count them!
[12:43 PM] Dahlia Bouevier: oh whoa 😀
[12:43 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): and krakens?
[12:43 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[12:43 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): That’s about it, I never have any notecards so I just type real fast and then spend even more time backspacing typos.
[12:43 PM] Tarrah Aphrodite: and lobsters!
[12:43 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): There are hints of krakenness down below, yes,
[12:44 PM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): ty:)
[12:44 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: But can we take this pictures there?
[12:44 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): There are kelp farms, a kelp forest, a deep sea area with a brine lake and of course the town itself
[12:44 PM] Miranda Barrowstone condering fishing for krakens
[12:44 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I hadn’t even thought of that, Tiger, I’ll get back to you with an answer next semester.
[12:44 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: i took pictures there. no one arrested me
[12:45 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): ACAB. Or for merfolk it would be AHAB (All Harpoonists are Basstards)
[12:45 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Lil’ literary pun for y’all.
[12:45 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: -=giggles=-
[12:45 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Ok that’s it have fun!
[12:45 PM] Dany Merrow laughs softly
[12:45 PM] Tarrah Aphrodite: 😀
[12:46 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[12:46 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[12:46 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: Rhodan. anyone else need the stick?
[12:46 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Oh also we have lots of stuff from Balderdash placed around because they look really neato. Thanks Saiyge!
[12:46 PM] Dany Merrow: we should do some weekly excursions again
[12:46 PM] Saiyge Lotus-Fairelander (Saiyge Lotus): eee 😀
[12:46 PM] Dany Merrow: ^^
[12:46 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): (You should come visit and get the personal tour)
[12:46 PM] Saiyge Lotus-Fairelander (Saiyge Lotus): I should!
[12:47 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: the lady who ran it had to retire from sl…we’re open to volunteers just sayin’
[12:47 PM] ???? (Tabitha Hawksby): what Miranda said
[12:47 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Everyone: IM me for landmarks and the like,or perv my profile.
[12:47 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Ooo~
[12:47 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[12:47 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: the fact people call it that is just hilarious
[12:47 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Love the weekly grid drives that Drivers of SL do, A weekly swim would be fun
[12:48 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Think theres a free navigation HUD on marketplace you can program
[12:48 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite ponders
[12:48 PM] Dana Enyo: Remember the Leeward Sailing Club does sails twice a week. Mers are always welcome to swim with the boats!
[12:48 PM] Tigermeat Aphrodite: Dany and I went last week
[12:48 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah some we used to use the aley boats so they can tour with out getting lost
[12:49 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): I don’t like not being to type while swimming. Puns are, like,99% of my personality.
[12:49 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): being able to [12:49 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: just slow to crawl with you get to sim cross [12:49 PM] Dana Enyo: Wonderful way to see some new places. And maybe attract some sailors to jump off their boats sometimes. [12:49 PM] Dany Merrow: nods nods [12:49 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: thats were tag alongs come in handy Rho [12:50 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: they other person can swim and you can crack jokes [12:50 PM] Dana Enyo: I must run and make another meeting. Hugs, mers! [12:50 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Taht sounds like adrag. [12:50 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: take care Dana [12:50 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Bah-dum Fish! ? [12:50 PM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Oh wow I can’t even type while sitting still. [12:50 PM] Tarrah Aphrodite: Lusa em Dana! [12:50 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: shall we close up if no more shares? [12:50 PM] Dany Merrow: hugs and lusa em [12:51 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: -=giggles*=-
[12:51 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: okey dokey then
[12:51 PM] Miranda Barrowstone: This meeting is now adjourned. Remember our SWF goals:
- to assist those considering an underwater life
- to increase awareness in the general public that there is an underwater option
- to make mer resources (events, projects, groups, retailers, sims, designers) visible and easily accessible
- to assist, as possible, with the viability of mer resources so they may continue to be available to the community
- to promote the conservation of rl oceans, lakes and waterways and the nature that relies on them
Now go mingle and explore! Thanks for joining us this day!!