[10:04 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.
Welcome new and old aquatics and friends!
[10:04 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): if you don’t sub-folder then it’s terrible
[10:04 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): <:D
[10:04 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I have sub folders in my sub folders
[10:05 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): lol
[10:05 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: folder-ception
[10:05 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[10:05 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yes I would rather not think how much money is sunk into SL lol
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t repeat things for latecomers – a log is posted on our blog after the meeting. This is not a place for public debate – this is a helpful place. we all help each other slive an aquatic lifestyle.
[10:06 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: nods
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: well when you love something…
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Because we usually have good attendance – please take a moment to remove all extra attachments and huds. We’d like you to dress low lag. Big poofy hair and jewelry are big culprits, as are bubbles, script things, huds, and such. If we all cooperate, more merfolk can participate with less crashing. Thank you for your help with this.
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so how was your week merfolk?
[10:06 AM] Dana Enyo is Online
[10:07 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): it was great!!! busy weekend though
[10:07 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: hear that
[10:07 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Good so far
[10:08 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): I spent two nights in a hotel this week that had no heat or hot water and then flooded so bad 40 rooms were destroyed and the rest of us weren’t allowed in our rooms until 3am
[10:08 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): wow yikes
[10:08 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): It was 21F
[10:08 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: im currently in job training ,and its kicking my butt,but worth it
[10:08 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: om freaking gods
[10:08 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): so freaking cold, stinky, and gross LOL
[10:08 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I am so sorry
[10:08 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): they didn’t even give us an apology or late check out bwahaha
[10:08 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): V_V ugh its horrible neve
[10:09 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): but, I’m home now 😀
[10:09 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): also no heat, but I have a zillion jumpers 😀
[10:09 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yikes
[10:09 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): leaves me speechless, acted on impulse and did what i’ve put off for awhile… gave up having a sim. rented a parcel here at Fanci’s deep .. another new leaf ; )
[10:10 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): having a sim is hard 🙁
[10:10 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): but a parcel is fun!
[10:10 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): plus hub fixed my computer, so i dont creash every 10 mins
[10:10 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): oo parcel
[10:10 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): its nice being here ; )
[10:10 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): how much is a parcel?
[10:10 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): they vary, Grace has been posting notices
[10:10 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): is how i got mine
[10:11 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): unbeleivably reasonable here Fina, especially consdering blake sea access and you can rez a boat here to open water.
[10:11 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): woot
[10:11 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): I’m really watching how sl will go.. traffic is very down overall
[10:12 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): It’s the time of year, Saer, people are gone from Halloween until New Year <3
[10:12 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): partly
[10:12 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): especially this year without covid restrictions
[10:12 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): this past year has been crazy yes?
[10:13 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: would a parcel of land cost more than an average horse ?
[10:13 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): maybe not, depends what you want
[10:13 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we better get on with the meeting my crash kinda sent us off schedule
[10:13 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: im looking into buying land,but ive got no ball park of cost. I do know about how much a horse runs here 🙂
[10:13 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): yes ma’m lol
[10:13 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:13 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: @saer just something simple
[10:13 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Land is in general VERY expensive. It’s why everything in SL is so claustraphobic.
[10:14 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Our priority today is support – we’re all here to help each other, cause we’re awesome like that.
[10:14 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Smaller is cheaper.
[10:14 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so the order is my introduction-done, introduce the new folks, sharing questions, ideas, and support to help each other-ie; tails, hair, bodies, AOs, requests, etc, then PSAs and promotion of events, sales or what ever else needs to be shared, then I close us out with our goals, maybe a group hug and picture.
[10:15 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so here we go
[10:15 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Introductions
If you have brought someone new to this gathering, please introduce them now. If you are new and wish to introduce yourself please do so now.
just click on the podium to sit on it or sit were you are if thats just easier.
[10:16 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): you’re welcome to sit and join Nik, up to you
[10:16 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): hi, I’m Fina. I’m a cat
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: A very short sentence is all that is needed – for example: hi, I am (your name) and I discovered aquatics (brief description of how you found us) and what I love about being aquatic is (explain here).
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so anyone new today?
[10:17 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): I wish i was ; )
[10:17 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah probably not then lol
[10:17 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): I’m new 😛
[10:17 AM] Nikita Hykova (Cricket Hykova): I’m about 16 years old in SL
[10:17 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: hello, im screaming siren. Im not new,but i didn’t get a chance to intro at last meeting. I am an congerige here. I’m 3 weeks old. I love to be a mer,the crystal game brought me to the mall, and now im here
[10:18 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): Awesome ; )
[10:18 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ? welcome
[10:18 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: I have mermaid scales tattoed on me IRL,i’m a navy vet and i love the ocean. Im happy to be here 🙂
[10:18 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:18 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: dude that’s awesome
[10:18 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): ??????? APPLAUSE ? APPLAUSE ???????
[10:18 AM] Nikita Hykova (Cricket Hykova): retired Navy here
[10:18 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Very cool
[10:19 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Mr Sims! Welcome 😀
[10:19 AM] Nikita Hykova (Cricket Hykova): genuine Ol Fart
[10:19 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): thats awesome screaming, i want to get gills tattooed on me one day 😀
[10:19 AM] MattySims Resident: hello hello
[10:19 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala ?
[10:19 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: you look great
[10:20 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so lets swim on to questions and support.
[10:20 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yala Matty
[10:20 AM] MattySims Resident: 😀
[10:20 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: thank you to alll:)))))))))))))))
[10:20 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Questions and support requests
Now – what general questions can we discuss here today? Where do our aquatics need help? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[10:21 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): ey matty
[10:21 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[10:21 AM] Nikita Hykova (Cricket Hykova): afk for a few
[10:21 AM] MattySims Resident: Loving these tails?
[10:21 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): ?
[10:22 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so does anyone have any support needs?
[10:22 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: anything we can help with?
[10:22 AM] MattySims Resident: im all good, jsut come to meet the fellow mers
[10:22 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): This is probably off topic but anyone have ideas on how to deal with hot flashes?/
[10:22 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome ?
[10:22 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): lol
[10:23 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): take your clothes off and jump in the pool
[10:23 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: not sure Ohora
[10:23 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): works every time
[10:23 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: in rl my mom had a fan on hand for hot flashes
[10:24 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Just thought I would ask
[10:24 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): hormones can get serious ; )
[10:24 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): i was being serious, Ohora lol
[10:25 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: my aunts used to put ice cold rags on their necks, face, and arm fits during a flash
[10:25 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): well the fan is a good idea
[10:25 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah a little hand fan
[10:25 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Thank you
[10:26 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so anyone have an sl related support needs?
[10:26 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[10:26 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay then ?
[10:27 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: no, im good!
[10:27 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: on too
Quick reminders/announcements
Ad boards are awesome because they can help newer merfolk and aquatics find places to swim. If you need mer traffic, please consider renting an ad board.
[10:27 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Perks include helping the group and being allowed to post ads in the group chat twice a day. Add in the fact that anyone can ask for the stick and that is great exposure.
[10:28 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: You might also consider being a hang out.
[10:28 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Please also check our mer-mall just past the headquarters. space available and lots of great things.
[10:28 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Be sure to visit the safe waters foundation web site and event calendar at https://swfsl.com/
[10:29 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: and now…
Public service announcements
Now we allow a limited time for publicity. Who has something fun to share? A store, new sim, event, or news? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[10:29 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[10:29 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: If you would like do a little aquatic public announcement – please im me now and I will let you know when it is your turn
[10:30 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: our first speaker is Ohora ?
[10:30 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Oh I saw that my hangout Xanadu finally made the list
[10:30 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: pop on up here ?
[10:30 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[10:30 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thats great ?
[10:30 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker) claps for ohora
[10:30 AM] MattySims Resident: Woooo :D!
[10:31 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: yaaaaasssssssssss
[10:31 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Nervously grips the talking stick in sweaty palms as she moves to the podium. The stick seems to have been chewed on but seems otherwise sound.
Yala everyone!
Every Wednesday I, Ohora Sessa, lead the Weekly Wander at 4:30 pm Each week I will guide explorers to interesting aquatic destinations in our fascinating watery world.
Would you like to get to know the SWF hangouts better or just fancy a swim? Please come to the SWF Chat Pavilion Wednesdays at 4:30 pm slt. or take this mer taxi. Lusa em!
Passes the talking stick back.
[10:31 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[10:31 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[10:32 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Matt, the stick is yours ?
[10:32 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): wondafull
[10:32 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Tala Merfriends,
[10:32 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Ho ho ho – Merry Fishmas! And Happy Halibut-days.
[10:32 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): 😉
[10:32 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:32 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): I wanted to share my most recent creation – TINSEL by ((Krature)) – it is a Bom overlay set for the Nemissa Tail by Cynefin.
[10:32 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: yaaaaay!
[10:33 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): I am modeling it today, as well as the lovely Neve (Miss CHEEKY BISCUIT if you’re nasty) AND Matty too <3. [10:33 AM] MattySims Resident: 😀 [10:33 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): The tail set comes in three colors and a fatpack – which includes an exclusive third color option. [10:33 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): sorry, exclusive FOURTH Color Option [10:33 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: they look fintastic Matt [10:33 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): The singles are on sale for Wanderlust Weekend at 50L and the fatpack is 125L. After this weekend they will return to their normal price, so I recommend grabbing these from the main store, if you want to have it in time for the holidays. [10:33 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): the gold looks fantastic! [10:33 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): sparkly [10:33 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Thank you Saer ? and miranda [10:34 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Here’s a preview you can see, on my flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/189153235@N02/52554989358/in/dateposted/ [10:34 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Also, the white tail/tinsel set is TINTABLE. So you can theoretically make colorful tinsel wraps for any and all future occasions! [10:34 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): (Miss Biscuit here is wearing the topper and materials over another brand of tail – the tinsel can be worn with any Nemissa BOM under it!) [10:34 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Yesss thank you Miss Biscuit lol [10:34 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Here is a SLURL to our mainstore: Surreal Yellow (27,19,22) [10:34 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): And here is a link to our Carrd site, for our other social links: https://krature.carrd.co/ [10:35 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Oh and one more thing! [10:35 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): ((Krature)) is now renting a space in the mermall right here in Fanci’s Deep! Check us out for some of our best selling products. [10:35 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): That’s it for me! Pursu Em! [10:35 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker) throws glitter in the air and swims back [10:35 AM] Miranda Barrowstone claps [10:35 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): Congrats, and great ; ) [10:35 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: they look great Matt ? [10:35 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): tysm [10:36 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ok Cheeky its your turn ? [10:36 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Hey everyone 🙂 [10:36 AM] MattySims Resident: love them [10:36 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker) claps for neve [10:36 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Cecily from Zen Child Designs can’t be here today cause she’s having a lovely festive day out in RL! She has some special, festive (not-mer, but still fun) releases for Wanderlust Weekend OUT NOW – The Gothmas Collection includes some Addams Family inspired wine decor, some creepy kooky ice skates, and a modest collection of ornaments. TAXI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hoodoo/229/121/3194 [10:37 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): love gothmas ? [10:37 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): My store, mermade, is in THREE sales next weekend – goodies from 50L to 99L – all mer, all festive! I’ve also just taken a spot at the Mer Mall! I encourage all you creative types to do so too – it’s been great for me so far 🙂 [10:37 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: great! cant wait to check it out [10:37 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): I have now finished building my ice skating rink at Crystal Coast! You can hop on over and grab free skates, scarf and cocoa. Gifts are for group members, but group is free to join. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191764076@N03/52527875230/in/dateposted/ [10:38 AM] MattySims Resident: ** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE
[10:38 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Looking for some mer-fun outside of SL? You can join Seafolk of SL on Discord, we share lots of news and fun things, we even having a little undersea server game – we also have an events calendar! Feel free to join us, here: https://discord.gg/Fury6kB8
[10:38 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: that looks amazing
[10:38 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Don’t forget you’re welcome to explore, swim and hangout at Crystal Coast whenever you like, we’ve got 35 meters of cool clear water for when you need to chill after you’ve shopped. Crystal Coast (231,106,37)
[10:38 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): thanks all, thanks Miranda <3 [10:38 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ? [10:39 AM] MattySims Resident: ** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE
[10:39 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay would anyone else like to share before I do?
[10:39 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Oh this is personal and very good news for me but I am pregnant in sl with 2 babies and they should arrive in about 8 months!
[10:39 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I generally like to go last
[10:40 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: oh thats great ?
[10:40 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: congrats
[10:40 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): takes that long in sl eh ; ) congrats!
[10:40 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: anyone else?
[10:40 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): i’d make it take one month
[10:40 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): lol
[10:40 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): CONGRATS OHORA when is the baby shower
[10:41 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: awhhhh nice!!1
[10:41 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): cONGRATS Ohoraaaa
[10:41 AM] MattySims Resident: ? ???WoOoOoooOoOo??? ?
[10:41 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): two little yalas running around T_T
[10:42 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): ty I am getting the babies from Funsies so they will be getting tails
[10:42 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay any other shares?
[10:42 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice ?
[10:42 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): omg, Matty, the green with the white looks awesome 😀
[10:43 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so the funsies do merbabies?
[10:43 AM] MattySims Resident: im a MerElf now hehe
[10:43 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): hehehe mer elf life!
[10:43 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay takes the stick and gives it a twirl
[10:44 AM] MattySims Resident: ??? ?????????????????????????? ?(´??)?
[10:44 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Tala I’m Miranda and I come from Antiquity.
we have 16 sims to swim through, homes available, shopping spaces, mer spots, and active groups.
[10:44 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: We are totally inclusive, kids, mers, furs, landers all welcome.
LGBT+ friendly, we even allow for mer toplessness under water.
[10:45 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!
[10:45 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Just don’t flash the humans cause they faint.
[10:45 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we have a system called TCS. its a craft/trade/rp system that allows you to trade goods with other mers or landers. You can harvest and create things.
[10:46 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we also have a lot of holiday events including pirate santa
[10:46 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): PIRATE SANTA!?
[10:46 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): yarr thats cute
[10:46 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Matti, he will steal your presents.
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: who is also part mer so he probably could dress as Sandy Claws if needed
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:47 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): lol
[10:47 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): HeHeHeHeHeHe
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: So if you have any questions, or need lms please shoot me an im. Persu em 🙂
[10:48 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so any one have any last minute shares or would you like me to open the floor to mild chaos?
[10:48 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): I mean, who doesn’t love mild chaos?
[10:48 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: med chasos please
[10:48 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: mild chaos it is
[10:48 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): CHAOS!
[10:48 AM] MattySims Resident: lol
[10:48 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: who would like to start?
[10:48 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Merry crisis! haha
[10:49 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: -=giggles=-
[10:49 AM] MattySims Resident: Merry Fishman!
[10:49 AM] ?? ? ? R ™ (Saer Genosse): lol t hats funny
[10:49 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I love that, I’m stealin’ that
[10:50 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: our family does kelpmas so we have barnacle cookies and we sing whale songs
[10:50 AM] MattySims Resident: Fishmas!***
[10:50 AM] MattySims Resident: lol
[10:50 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[10:51 AM] MattySims Resident: I feel like im meeting Royalty when i see Matticus and Neve!
[10:52 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): awwww
[10:52 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): Matty ?
[10:52 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): hahahahaha silly <3
[10:52 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): We just mostly normal people
[10:52 AM] MattySims Resident: 😀
[10:52 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): I mean, I’m normal
[10:52 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): thats sweet hehe we are just like everyone else, we put our pants on, one fin at a time.
[10:52 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Matti? not so sure.
[10:52 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): LOL
[10:52 AM] MattySims Resident: hehe
[10:52 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker) slaps neve with fin
[10:52 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: what are pants?
[10:52 AM] MattySims Resident: ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
[10:53 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Matti doesn’t know, he doesn’t wear them even when he has legs.
[10:53 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): idk some human contraption for holding in their weird double tails XD
[10:53 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): :X this is true.
[10:53 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ahhh so thats what they call those
[10:53 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: oh they call those tails legs
[10:54 AM] Screamingsiren6 Resident: i have to go!!!!!!!! good bye everyone <############
[10:54 AM] MattySims Resident: ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
[10:54 AM] ? Matticus Marinea ? (Matticus Blinker): lusa em screaming
[10:54 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: take care ?
[10:54 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): see ya sooon Screaming
[10:54 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: i’ll close us out
[10:55 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: This meeting is now adjourned. Remember our SWF goals:
- to assist those considering an underwater life
- to increase awareness in the general public that there is an underwater option
- to make mer resources (events, projects, groups, retailers, sims, designers) visible and easily accessible
- to assist, as possible, with the viability of mer resources so they may continue to be available to the community
- to promote the conservation of rl oceans, lakes and waterways and the nature that relies on them
Now go mingle and explore! Thanks for joining us this day!!