[10:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.
Welcome new and old aquatics and friends!
[10:01 AM] Celtic Infinity cheers for Miranda!!!???
[10:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:01 AM] Celtic Infinity huggles Fina and Miranda
[10:02 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[10:02 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): meow~
[10:02 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: fina!!
[10:02 AM] Celtic Infinity: Frightening Fina!
[10:02 AM] Miranda Barrowstone pets Fina and hands her shrimpies
[10:02 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): =^.^= Nahm Nahm Nahm!
[10:02 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[10:02 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): shrimp?
[10:03 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t repeat things for latecomers – a log is posted on our blog after the meeting. This is not a place for public debate – this is a helpful place. we all help each other slive an aquatic lifestyle.
[10:03 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth) eyes Miranda
[10:03 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi) gives some of teh shrimp to gramma
[10:03 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I only brought enough for the cat
[10:03 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): nom nom
[10:03 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth) smiles happily
[10:03 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Because we usually have good attendance – please take a moment to remove all extra attachments and huds. We’d like you to dress low lag. Big poofy hair and jewelry are big culprits, as are bubbles, script things, huds, and such. If we all cooperate, more merfolk can participate with less crashing. Thank you for your help with this.
[10:04 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: How was your week merfolk
[10:04 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): extremely busy X_X
[10:05 AM] Celtic Infinity: It was great, thanks! How was yours, Miranda?
[10:05 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: went by too fast I need to adjust my time machine
[10:05 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): oooo yus
[10:06 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): is it daylight savings soon?
[10:06 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I want more time
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I think they nixed it
[10:06 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): dat a gud q
[10:06 AM] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Chris 🙂
[10:06 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): daylight savings confuses the bejeezus out of me
[10:06 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): who nixed it tho
[10:06 AM] Chris McCracken: Tala
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: the peple with the power to nix things?
[10:07 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala Ray
[10:07 AM] –RAY– (ray.nova): hi hi
[10:07 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay
[10:07 AM] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Ray 🙂
[10:08 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Our priority today is support – we’re all here to help each other, cause we’re awesome like that. mers helping mers – aquatics helping aquatics.
[10:08 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): yus
[10:08 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Going well enough. It could be better but that always seems to be the case
[10:08 AM] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Fae 🙂
[10:08 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so the order is my introduction-done, introduce the new folks, sharing questions, ideas, and support to help each other-ie; tails, hair, bodies, AOs, requests, etc, then PSAs and promotion of events, sales or what ever else needs to be shared, then I close us out with our goals, maybe a group hug and picture.
So here we go!!
[10:09 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Introductions
If you have brought someone new to this gathering, please introduce them now. If you are new and wish to introduce yourself please do so now.
just click on the podium to sit on it or sit were you are if thats just easier.
[10:09 AM] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Hiroko 🙂
[10:09 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala
[10:09 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni): Tala everyone
[10:09 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala
[10:09 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome
[10:09 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: A very short sentence is all that is needed – for example: hi, I am (your name) and I discovered aquatics (brief description of how you found us) and what I love about being aquatic is (explain here).
[10:10 AM] Hiroko Nubalo: Everyone!!!
[10:10 AM] Hiroko Nubalo Greets you
[10:10 AM] Hiroko Nubalo: >><>TalaOo
[10:10 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so, anyone new?
[10:10 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): hi, I’m Fina. I’m a cat
[10:10 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: heh
[10:11 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni): hi, I am Fae and I discovered aquatics by looking for mermaid related groups
[10:11 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I knew it! welcome
[10:11 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): welcome Fae!!
[10:11 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni): Thank you 🙂
[10:11 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: glad you found us ?
[10:11 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni): haha me too
[10:11 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: anyone else new today?
[10:12 AM] Celtic Infinity: Welcome to Safe Waters, Fae!
[10:12 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so Fae how you liking it so far?
[10:12 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:13 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): welcome Fae! =^-^=
[10:13 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni): I am very much enjoying underwater life
[10:13 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: sweet
[10:13 AM] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Fancy 🙂
[10:13 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): so glad to know it
[10:13 AM] Roary McGillivary is Online
[10:13 AM] Marion Sopwith (marion698): great Fae Star!
[10:13 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: its great you made the meeting we have a lotta cool stuff to share
[10:13 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): Tala 🙂
[10:14 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): es a big fishie
[10:14 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): wow I see something very big!!!
[10:14 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): welcome big one!!
[10:14 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): thank you 🙂
[10:14 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: is just a poofy dress
[10:14 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: s lets move on to questions and support
[10:15 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: that part of the meeting where some one has a need and we try to fill it
[10:15 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): does anyone know if my current tail will work if I take myself to mesh?
[10:15 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): of course it will
[10:15 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): it will?
[10:15 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi) swims down and checks
[10:15 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I thought I’d have to go to mesh tail at same time?
[10:15 AM] Marion Sopwith (marion698): i don’t think so Grace
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I don’t know a lot about mesh but I can’t see it not working
[10:16 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I just don’t know – thought I’d throw the queestion out
[10:16 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi) paws and nibbles at gramma’s tail
[10:16 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth) giggles
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[10:16 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): my priority is keeping this tail – don’t want to invest in mesh if this won’t work with it
[10:16 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): it’s a flexi I think
[10:16 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): but I don’t see any tail not working with mesh
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: but thats a great example of the Q&A
[10:16 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): is it resizable?
[10:16 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I sunno
[10:17 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): Isunno
[10:17 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): dunno
[10:17 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): gramma can’t type
[10:17 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi) puts on her scanner
[10:17 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth) eeps.
[10:17 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: mesh or the tail? but I have never been able to resize fitted mesh
[10:17 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: are there mertails that are vailable as devkits?
[10:17 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): well its worth exploring maybe the investment
[10:17 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: not on me any anyway
[10:17 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): the tail
[10:17 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): if the tail is resizable, then there’s no way it won’t fit on mesh
[10:18 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): ok
[10:18 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): or rather, it will definitely fit
[10:18 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I’ll think ion it
[10:18 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay
[10:18 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): prettier face with mesh body
[10:18 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): mers are so vain
[10:18 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): you can always try demo bodies before buying
[10:18 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: any one else need help?
[10:18 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): ooooo now I like that idea SEbastian thanks!!
[10:19 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni): You could check out Lucybody, you can apply to get that one for free
[10:19 AM] Marion Sopwith (marion698): Grace we are living in the realm of beauty!
[10:19 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni): and see if it works
[10:19 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: questions requests etc
[10:19 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): nod nod
[10:19 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): lemme see if I can find an exmaple of a mesh body with a flexi tail
[10:20 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): has anybody made it to the sci fi expo? it opened today
[10:20 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): yesterday actually
[10:20 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): oo
[10:20 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): not I, said the cat
[10:20 AM] Marion Sopwith (marion698): not yet
[10:20 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Yes we are vain I freely admit that
[10:20 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I haven’t
[10:20 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): been really busy
[10:20 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I got it into the SWF calendar – going to put more events like that in if they might have good mer accessories
[10:21 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay swimming on to promotions then
[10:21 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Quick reminders/announcements
Ad boards are awesome because they can help newer merfolk and aquatics find places to swim. If you need mer traffic, please consider renting an ad board.
[10:21 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Perks include helping the group and being allowed to post ads in the group chat twice a day. Add in the fact that anyone can ask for the stick and that is great exposure.
[10:22 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: You might also consider being a hang out.
[10:22 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Please also check our mer-mall just past the headquarters. space available and lots of great things.
[10:22 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Be sure to visit the safe waters foundation web site and event calendar at https://swfsl.com/
[10:22 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: imho
[10:22 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: what is the topic at hand?
[10:23 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I still think I should put up a singles ad board – small ones are 10 lindens a week
[10:23 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): old cranky siren seeks servant-like adoration
[10:23 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala Zan, we’re just a support meetings.
[10:24 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: I think merfolk could gain a lot by being more.. visible be more out there with the land types (likeme) but keep your mertailomn
[10:24 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we finished up questions and are heading in to promotions
[10:24 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): some people have dtrouble finding other sea dwelers
[10:24 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove) looks up and sees Lord Horatio…woww
[10:24 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): good point Zan
[10:24 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: and now…
Public service announcements
Now we allow a limited time for publicity. Who has something fun to share? A store, new sim, event, or news? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[10:24 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I like to find a quiet watery spot so I’m not interrupting folk
[10:24 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: get a good wheelchair and become vible
[10:24 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): and gosh I get questions
[10:25 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: visible
[10:25 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[10:25 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: If you would like do a little aquatic public announcement – please im me now and I will let you know when it is your turn
[10:25 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: as a clothing maker I can attests that you may gather a lot of attention if your stick out, even compliments
[10:25 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): Do we have a fresh talking stick or is it a Fina nibbled one?
[10:26 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ?? I DIDN’T DO IT!! ??
[10:26 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): …Hahahaha…
[10:26 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ?? okayyy, I DID do it. ??
[10:26 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni): XD
[10:26 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): example of mesh body and flexi tail: https://gyazo.com/0d3b68aa9da032d9ec593bea31f4be57
[10:26 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): thank you Fina!!
[10:26 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: wait I need to set up this
[10:26 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Zan we do use a talking stick, Ohra requested it first, I am gonna give it to her
[10:26 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): also, all octomer tails except the very newest ones are flexi
[10:27 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): so @ the question whether your tail will break if you go mesh, the answer is definitely no
[10:27 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: if you can will you please make a note card and im me so I can add you to the quee?
[10:27 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): but it might take some fitting
[10:27 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala ohora
[10:27 AM] Celtic Infinity claps for Ohora
[10:27 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:27 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Nervously grips the talking stick in sweaty palms as she moves to the podium. The stick seems to have been chewed on but seems otherwise sound.
Yala everyone!
[10:27 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ohora
[10:27 AM] Persi (persiphone.karu) is Online
[10:28 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): Applause!!
[10:28 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I’ll dig up a new one later
[10:28 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Every Wednesday I, Ohora Sessa, lead the Weekly Wander at 4:30 pm Each week I will guide explorers to interesting aquatic destinations in our fascinating watery world.
Would you like to get to know the SWF hangouts better or just fancy a swim? Please come to the SWF Chat Pavilion Wednesdays at 4:30 pm slt. or take this mer taxi. Lusa em!
Union Passage (50,237,1)
Passes the talking stick back.
[10:28 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): :-.,,.-:’'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'
[10:28 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thank you. any questions for Ohora?
[10:29 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): Can I say something about the weekly wander… Ohora works incredibly hard, and leading a tour is no small feat!
[10:29 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: look
[10:29 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ***Woot Woot ***
[10:29 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: something like this
[10:29 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): it is such a good outreach!!
[10:29 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): •.¸’•.¸ ? ¸.•´¸.•
[10:29 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): .•?¨• BRAVO!!!! •¨
[10:29 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): ¸.•¸.•*´ ?
[10:29 AM] Miranda Barrowstone claps
[10:29 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: if you se this on land you would be intrigued?
[10:29 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Ty for that
[10:30 AM] Gabrielle de Lys (malagabi) is Online
[10:30 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): Zan – if you’d like the talking stick, Miranda will call on you to share
[10:30 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay next on my list is Seb
[10:30 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: ok
[10:30 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): TY
[10:30 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: swim on up ?
[10:30 AM] Celtic Infinity claps for Sebastian
[10:30 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): Ohora has been an excellent granddaughter also
[10:30 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: sorry about that
[10:30 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): no worries
[10:31 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: I am not used to the rules of merfolk
[10:31 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): Tala friends, I am here today on behalf of Neve at Mermade
[10:31 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): Mermade!!
[10:31 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): Neve!!
[10:31 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:31 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): ?? BIG GIGANTIC APPLAUSE!!! ??
[10:31 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): She is selling this beautiful coral halo on Wanderlust Weekend for 50L at her storethis weekend
[10:31 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): *:-.,,.-:‘'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'
[10:31 AM] Chat Range: Kris Meng [12m]
[10:31 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth) tries to cam
[10:31 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Woot!
[10:31 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): halo?
[10:32 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni): I have it on as well, i love it 🙂
[10:32 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): it comes in 5 different variations with some new halloween colour schemes, they colour change too
[10:32 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): ooooooo I see it!!
[10:32 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): the coral on my back 🙂
[10:32 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): oooooooo
[10:32 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): she has a shop in the mermall I do believe too
[10:33 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): If you would like to go and have a look you can find her store and beautiful underwater region here :Crystal Coast (196,72,37)
[10:33 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): and a main store!!
[10:33 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): her main store is very big and pretty
[10:33 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): Thanks forloks for your time hands the stick back to Miranda
[10:33 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): Ohora – have we toured that region?
[10:33 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Grace, you wanted the stick?
[10:34 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): oh yes thank you
[10:34 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth) tries to withhold her slime tendencies
[10:34 AM] Celtic Infinity claps for Grace
[10:34 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: swim on up taffy, you are after and Zan I’ll give it to you
[10:34 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi) nibbles teh glowy tail
[10:34 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I just wanted to remind everyone that this place is a resource place – and it is our space
[10:35 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): the mer community is incredible – the people fantastic and we’ve set up several ways this place can be helpful and utilized by this community
[10:35 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): for instance, this big chat pavilion is available for classes, discussion groups, weddings
[10:35 AM] Gabrielle de Lys (malagabi) is Offline
[10:35 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): its huge and so rarely filled and yet we know the merfolk are in second life
[10:36 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): SWF strieves to do promotional type tyings by advertising and being present at public events when we can
[10:36 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): not to promote SWF – but to promote an undersea community – don’t you see?
[10:36 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): Nobody is paid – it is about us pulling together to share what we have
[10:37 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): we do desire more community involvement
[10:37 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): not because were lazy
[10:37 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): (tho gosh I sure can be)
[10:37 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Sorry I had some technical difficulties
[10:37 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): but because we want to revitalize the community – so many of those leggers are still unaware of our existance
[10:37 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): and yet people fear getting over their head – over committing in time or resources
[10:38 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): myself, I’ve really tried to instill the values of balance, RL first, at your own pace ….. etc
[10:38 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): I don’t think we have toured there before
[10:38 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): sounds like it might be a good place Ohora
[10:39 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): so anyway – I have an idea of little ways you can contribute and truly make our community vital — the mer mer sims come and go – you can support them just by being there for instance
[10:39 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): I think you are right as usual lol
[10:39 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I hate going to great builds that are empty don’t you?
[10:39 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I’m calling for people to consider how we can pull together and do our little bitty part for good – not for division or overwork
[10:40 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): but to celebrate our ocean!!
[10:40 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Yes it is kind of tragic
[10:40 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I have a nc with some ideas if anyone wants – please IM me
[10:40 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): thanks!!
[10:40 AM] Chat Range: Zantyago Mannonen [10m]
[10:40 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth) daintily hands the talking stick back to Miranda
[10:40 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[10:40 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[10:40 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): oh and thanks to all of you helping – sooooooo good
[10:41 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:41 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I’m not going to try and list everyone
[10:41 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Fancy hun yer up
[10:41 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:41 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: the stick is yours
[10:41 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): Yay!
[10:41 AM] Celtic Infinity claps for Fancy
[10:42 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): Persu Em Miranda and Tala everyone. I just have a quick announcement that I will put up all at once to read. Thank you.
[10:42 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): Mer Homes for Rent Live Underwater! Live among the fishes in the deep blue sea! Family-size homes underwater that anyone can enjoy! Exciting cave homes! Two-story Mer homes! Spacious swimming area! Also a party area! A pleasant Mer-community with a small-town feel. Complementary shell bed included. Come see for yourself and tell a friend! (Underwater landing point). Shiradin (23,22,10)
[10:42 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): That is all 🙂
[10:42 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ooooh
[10:43 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:43 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: that sounds awesome any trick r treating there?
[10:43 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): By the way Grandma, I have some ideas for community involvement 🙂
[10:43 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): ah no they are not Miranda…lol
[10:44 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we can do a discussion on that
[10:44 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: aw darn
[10:44 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: i’ll grab the stick and then wwe can do community discussion
[10:45 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Tala I’m Miranda and I come from Antiquity.
we have 16 sims to swim through, homes available, shopping spaces, mer spots, and active groups.
[10:45 AM] Celtic Infinity claps for Miranda ?
[10:45 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: humans, kids, furries are welcome there.
[10:46 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we do allow mer toplessness under water
[10:46 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: but we’re careful around humans because I’ve seen people faint at the sight of an ankle, which we established is around the fluke. yes humans are weird
[10:46 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): …Hahahaha…
[10:46 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: I tried to promote and mermaid and sailor event in the club I work for. no luck still, merfurs are very rare
[10:46 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we have a system called TCS. its a craft/trade/rp system that allows you to trade goods with other mers or landers. You can harvest and create things.
[10:46 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~ for antiquity
[10:46 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): yeah, there’s good ol’ Cliffy
[10:46 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: So if you have any questions, or need lms please shoot me an im. Persu em ?
[10:47 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): Cliffy? is Cliffy here?
[10:47 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Btw on Tuesday my home shoal will be involved in the LCC Cruise in some fashion
[10:47 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth) looks for big ears
[10:47 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi) hides her ears
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice
[10:47 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): ***Woot Woot ***
[10:47 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): wait LCC
[10:47 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): tues? sun?
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay I will now open the floor for community discussion
[10:47 AM] 1Jasmine (1jasmine): -hi’ii
[10:48 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: but please take turns
[10:48 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): hi Jasmine
[10:48 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): Tuesday at 500 pm
[10:49 AM] Ohora Sessa (cathy.jackson): I don’t know anymore myself
[10:49 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): huh?
[10:49 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): wha?
[10:50 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: wasnt someone going to speak now?
[10:50 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi) meows for shrimpies
[10:50 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): its open discussion now
[10:50 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: Ok
[10:50 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: well
[10:50 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I don’t see myself
[10:50 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: I will blare something then
[10:50 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): where am I?
[10:50 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: regardng the topic of visibility
[10:50 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): whew hate when that happens
[10:50 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): yes?
[10:51 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: have you all considered on dry land with the mertail on?
[10:51 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): many times – I call it flashing people and sometimes have held “flash mobs”
[10:51 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): I do that a lot. just float
[10:51 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): have to be careful not to interefere with whatever is going on
[10:51 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so float mob?
[10:51 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: just.. wherever you may end up
[10:51 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): no mer restricts themselves to just underwater
[10:51 AM] 1Jasmine: sometimes
[10:51 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): ~Tala~
[10:51 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): the tail lets you crawl on land
[10:51 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): literally no mer does that
[10:52 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: i kinda do
[10:52 AM] 1Jasmine: mostly an o.0psy
[10:52 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I have a nice notecard you can hand out when someone spots you
[10:52 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): and PLEASE add SWF to your picks
[10:52 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): we are meant to point people to all the underwater areas!
[10:52 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I can do synchronized dances
[10:52 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): take a few mer with me
[10:53 AM] Fae Star (mzlooni) received your inventory offer.
[10:53 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): and we up out of the water where land and water meet
[10:53 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): ? Pop ?
[10:53 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): alos there is the fantasy faire event (and other events) where we set up a booth if we can
[10:53 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): Rock Your Rack declined my desire to participate
[10:53 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I mean – how else does one rock your rack than be a mermaid?
[10:54 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: but I think a wheelchair might get the point more across. for example when I wear my centaur avatar (centaur body furry head) i catch bit of afttention, I chat them up and maybe direct them to the avatar of whatever centaur clothing I eam wearing (this last biit is an example)
[10:54 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): hehhehe I prefer my natural form
[10:54 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): but to each their own
[10:55 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): gosh it is almost 11!
[10:55 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: I think something like that would do… or maybe a place that is geared to bothe landfolk a merfolk
[10:55 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: can you point us to a wheel chair where we actually push the wheels? because mine was a cheapie where I just sat in it
[10:55 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: imagine how cool a Venice like place
[10:56 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: when I find one
[10:56 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): find an event like that and I’ll help you organize our participation with you
[10:56 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): when you find it, let us know =^-^=
[10:56 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: and my tail dragged on the rad
[10:56 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): so many ideas, takes all of us helping to go forward
[10:56 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: road*
[10:56 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): RFL
[10:56 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): we can participate in RFL
[10:56 AM] 1Jasmine (1jasmine): yizoijuhwiahiuiuai yi’ picks juh’ve
[10:56 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): I’ve long wanted a SWF RFL team
[10:56 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): we host events when asked
[10:57 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we don’t have one?
[10:57 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: one that counts as a vehiclemaybe
[10:57 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): anyone want to lead a RFL team
[10:57 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): nope we don’t
[10:57 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): sorry what is RFL?
[10:57 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): nobody will be lead person and I’m overwhelmed
[10:57 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): relay for life
[10:57 AM] Sebastian Seagrove (lobsterquadrille): I remember the singer you had this year I think Chicky organised it?
[10:57 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): raises funds for ancer preventrion curing
[10:57 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I think that goes beyond my brains capacity
[10:57 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: hjmm
[10:57 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): yes – we host events for other teams whenever we can
[10:57 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): having a team means more
[10:58 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: what if… maybe… I can mesh things but I cannot script
[10:58 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): in SL takes some effort to plan and implement thigns – I don’t even know how to be a RFL team
[10:58 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I was in one oonce
[10:58 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): for that
[10:58 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): we have a booth at Fantasy Faire – raises funds for RFL
[10:58 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): aw, i visited RFL sim, it is combined with Breast Cancer Reacher Center
[10:59 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): and we host events for other RFL teams
[10:59 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): you need to find team members first
[10:59 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I made stuff to sell fr it but that was it
[10:59 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: I have a sketch of mermaid wheelchair somewhere
[10:59 AM] ?Fancy Pride? (sweettaffeylove): Research*
[10:59 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): yes Fancy – it is huge
[10:59 AM] F??? ?? (sapphira.franizzi): if you don’t have people who are on board on it, it’ll be a SLOG
[10:59 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): huge in SL
[10:59 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): in my mind need a team leader and then start recruiting etc
[11:00 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): everyone thinks someone else will do it
[11:00 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): you do a lot Miranda – as do many of you I know
[11:00 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): oh my gosh – RL calls!!
[11:00 AM] Grandma (graceswf.wrigglesworth): be joyful – I must depart~
[11:00 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ? thanks
[11:00 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: it’s also 11 I should adjourn
[11:01 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: there is a discord.. right?
[11:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah
[11:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lemme go find it
[11:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: but.. This meeting is now adjourned. Remember our SWF goals:
- to assist those considering an underwater life
- to increase awareness in the general public that there is an underwater option
- to make mer resources (events, projects, groups, retailers, sims, designers) visible and easily accessible
- to assist, as possible, with the viability of mer resources so they may continue to be available to the community
- to promote the conservation of rl oceans, lakes and waterways and the nature that relies on them
Now go mingle and explore! Thanks for joining us this day!!