[10:00 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.
Welcome new and old aquatics and friends!
[10:00 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[10:00 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala
[10:00 AM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): tala:)
[10:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t repeat things for latecomers – a log is posted on our blog after the meeting. This is not a place for public debate – this is a helpful place. we all help each other slive an aquatic lifestyle.
[10:01 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): Tala em!
[10:02 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala Matty
[10:02 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Because we usually have good attendance – please take a moment to remove all extra attachments and huds. We’d like you to dress low lag. Big poofy hair and jewelry are big culprits, as are bubbles, script things, huds, and such. If we all cooperate, more merfolk can participate with less crashing. Thank you for your help with this.
[10:02 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Matti ?
[10:02 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so how was yer week merfolk?
[10:02 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): hi!!
[10:02 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): pretty decent. just did a lot of yard work.
[10:03 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): hows your plantings doing miranda
[10:03 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: welp i got a bunch new seeds so hopefully these guys will grow
[10:04 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: the romain lettece is flushing though
[10:04 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): For me…similar excrement, distinct solar cycle.
[10:04 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): good 4 me
[10:04 AM] Rhodan Fishbottoms (Rhodan Fishtail): Is Romain lettuce how you make a Caesar salad?
[10:04 AM] Persi (Persiphone Karu): my week has been slow and easy
[10:04 AM] Roz Azalee is Offline
[10:05 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah our weather is being weird again
[10:05 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): ~Tala~
[10:05 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): week es been tiring X_X on Tues and Wed I had two morning to night days
[10:05 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): jeez fina
[10:05 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): im sorry
[10:05 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): then just passed out on Thurs
[10:05 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): i would too
[10:05 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): damn!
[10:05 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: i think so but I hate ceasar dressing
[10:05 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I feed it to the tortoise
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala Cheey
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Cheeky*
[10:06 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): meow~
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: wow Fina
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay swimming on…
[10:07 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Our priority today is support – we’re all here to help each other, cause we’re awesome like that.
[10:07 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so the order is my introduction-done, introduce the new folks, sharing questions, ideas, and support to help each other-ie; tails, hair, bodies, AOs, requests, etc, then PSAs and promotion of events, sales or what ever else needs to be shared, then I close us out with our goals, maybe a group hug and picture.
So here we go!!
[10:07 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Introductions
If you have brought someone new to this gathering, please introduce them now. If you are new and wish to introduce yourself please do so now.
just click on the podium to sit on it or sit were you are if thats just easier.
[10:08 AM] .: ???? s????????? ??p????? :. (spaceopal Resident): Tala, I am Opal, this is my firt time at a meeting 🙂
[10:08 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: A very short sentence is all that is needed – for example: hi, I am (your name) and I discovered aquatics (brief description of how you found us) and what I love about being aquatic is (explain here).
[10:08 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah like that
[10:08 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome opal
[10:08 AM] Lynnsea (Lynne Raven): Tala, I’m new to the group I’m not new to SL, I’m happy to be back after time away and meeting all of you
[10:08 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so tell us about yourself
[10:09 AM] Lynnsea (Lynne Raven): LOL sorry
[10:09 AM] Persi (Persiphone Karu): so good to see you both here
[10:09 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident) applauds.
[10:09 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome to the group Lyn
[10:09 AM] Lynnsea (Lynne Raven): Thank you 🙂
[10:09 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): ?? BIG GIGANTIC APPLAUSE!!! ??
[10:09 AM] .: ???? s????????? ??p????? :. (spaceopal Resident): I took a break from mermaiding but am back and living close by. i like to swim around and meet other merfolk and explore water sims
[10:10 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: you two wanna tell us about yourselves? how you found us, what you like?
[10:10 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice Opal
[10:10 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): ><(“> You h?ve not shrimp bec?use you ?sk not <“)><
[10:10 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yala everyone! Sorry I am late
[10:10 AM] Lynnsea (Lynne Raven): look at Opal You go first, LOL
[10:11 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: tala Ohora
[10:11 AM] .: ???? s????????? ??p????? :. (spaceopal Resident): hehee just did 😛
[10:11 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay well I guess we can move on
[10:11 AM] Lynnsea (Lynne Raven): Oh geez, well years ago, I was a mermaid for a time and when I came back, I bought a boat and then decided a tail was more convenient
[10:11 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:11 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): wb
[10:11 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thats cool
[10:12 AM] Lynnsea (Lynne Raven): LOL, thank you
[10:12 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thank you and welcome to all of you, Let’s move on to next part of this meeting.
Questions and support requests
Now – what general questions can we discuss here today? Where do our aquatics need help? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you
[10:12 AM] Lynnsea (Lynne Raven): I love the mermaid designs, so creative
[10:13 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: things like needing help with a tail, a new place that appeared, requests to make something etc tend to be popular topics
[10:14 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: if you need the stick you can im me for for it. we use a talking stick so others don’t talk over them.
[10:15 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so anyone have any pressing mer related discussion?
[10:15 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): I would like to talk about Weekly Wander please.
[10:15 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: that’ll be in promo
[10:15 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I’ll add you after Matriarch
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay I’m guessing no on tech support huh?
[10:16 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mrrrrrrrrp~
[10:16 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): It’s not Tech support, so much, but it is important information.
[10:16 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): huh?
[10:16 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): scrolling
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: go for it
[10:17 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: swim on up cheeky you have the stick
[10:17 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): If you own Nemissa, I would advise you keep a copy of the box your tail came in. InWorld redeliveries are no longer available without sending a notecard to Aza directly to ask for a redelivery. If you bought on Marketplace, you should be able to redeliver like normal from the web.
[10:18 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): cheeky is tech support!
[10:18 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): The only places left in world to buy Nemissa now are my store region, and on The Mystic Realms Dire Water’s shopping mall area.
[10:18 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[10:18 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): good 2 know
[10:18 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: aye
[10:18 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah I hear mp goes down a bit
[10:19 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: anyone else have pressing questions/requests/discussion?
[10:19 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Marketplace is fine, there’s just no redelivery available in world 🙂
[10:19 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): if u want to change texture tail and body – what is best approach?
[10:19 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ah ok
[10:20 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): people ask me
[10:20 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): That would depend on what tail and body you have.
[10:20 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): It depends on the tail the person is wearing
[10:20 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah I wouldn’t know that. any have the answer?
[10:20 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Most bodies these days are BOM
[10:20 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): but some are still applier – you’d have to know which body and tail combination.
[10:20 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): are there combo’s sold?
[10:21 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): no
[10:21 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): people buy bodies seperately
[10:21 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): then buy tails seperately.
[10:21 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): no i mean skin for tail and body
[10:21 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): no
[10:21 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): there’s no combos.
[10:21 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): hate that word
[10:21 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): For bento tails that have an interchangeable texture like Nemissa and Riptide, all you need to do is drag the new texture on the tail while wearing it.
[10:21 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): tyvm
[10:21 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): I make coordinating items – a body fade and a tail applier, sold seperately.
[10:22 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): kk ty
[10:22 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Nerissa – most creators for riptide are using a universal hud kit.
[10:22 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): so no dragging, just a button click after scripting 🙂
[10:22 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): Oh, thought Riptide worked like Nemissa.
[10:22 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: since I have 6 speakers today I’m gonna bring us to promotions sooner
[10:22 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): great
[10:23 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): As for the body, you’re basically going to have to try to find a skin that fits closely with the tail. That’s on you to do searching.
[10:23 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): no no, alienwaves dev kit is being used by myself, Krature, Zen Child, and Misteria, as well as a bunch of other creators in the works.
[10:23 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thank you for the info Cheeky
[10:23 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Quick reminders/announcements
Ad boards are awesome because they can help newer merfolk and aquatics find places to swim. If you need mer traffic, please consider renting an ad board.
[10:24 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Perks include helping the group and being allowed to post ads in the group chat twice a day. Add in the fact that anyone can ask for the stick and that is great exposure.
[10:24 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): and hangout or partner
[10:24 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: You might also consider being a hang out.
[10:24 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): ya
[10:24 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: that too
[10:24 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Munin is a hang out
[10:24 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): i miss munin
[10:25 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: well he’s taking time off
[10:25 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): moomin
[10:25 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Please also check our mer-mall just past the headquarters. space available and lots of great things.
Be sure to visit the safe waters foundation web site and event calendar at https://swfsl.com/
[10:25 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): ?
[10:25 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): his status as hangout is a lifetime one and doesn’t expire
[10:25 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: and now…
Public service announcements
Now we allow a limited time for publicity. Who has something fun to share? A store, new sim, event, or news? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[10:25 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[10:25 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[10:26 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: If you would like do a little aquatic public announcement – please im me now and I will let you know when it is your turn
[10:26 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: our first speaker, Christie
[10:26 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome back
[10:26 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): ?? BIG GIGANTIC APPLAUSE!!! ??
[10:26 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): HE’S GOT A HUGE….TALENT!
[10:26 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): Hello, everyone. Christine, your resident Arielholic, back with you.
[10:27 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): o?
[10:27 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): yay! Arielholic ?
[10:27 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): Well, it’s finally here. This Friday is the debut of the live-action version of Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”!
[10:27 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): YAY!
[10:27 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: whooot!
[10:27 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): huzzah
[10:27 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I want the doll
[10:27 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): i have the doll miranda… multiple lol
[10:28 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[10:28 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): im obsessed.
[10:28 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): The premieres around the world have been great successes so far. And it was wonderful to see posts of Halle Bailey and Jodi Benson talking with each other and hugging. 🙂
[10:28 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): every VARIANT OF IT I NEED.
[10:28 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yay Christine
[10:28 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: awwww ?
[10:29 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): And it’s possibly the upcoming premiere that has brought SO MANY people to the Arielholics Facebook page!
[10:29 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:29 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice!
[10:29 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): In fact, in the last few months, the memberships have almost DOUBLED!
[10:29 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Nice
[10:29 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): yes!
[10:30 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): do u tell them about our digital mermaids?
[10:30 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): im in the facebook group hehe
[10:30 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): ?
[10:30 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): So, if you haven’t joined, just head for https://www.facebook.com/groups/ArielHolics and ask for an invite.
[10:30 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): us i mean
[10:30 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thanks ?
[10:30 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): cross fertilization
[10:30 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): arielholics posts the best
[10:30 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): ?
[10:30 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): we should put link in swf web page
[10:31 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): message dana enyo
[10:31 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we can ask Dana
[10:31 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): exact
[10:31 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): christine should
[10:31 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): And, of course, don’t forget to see the film. Haley Bailey, Mellisa McCarthy, Daveed Diggs, Awkwafina and others. 🙂
[10:32 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): Oh, and the soundtrack’s now out as well. Check that oput if you can.
[10:32 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident) bows. “Thank you.” She hands the stick back to Miranda.
[10:32 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: persu em
[10:32 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay Neve yer up
[10:33 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: opps
[10:33 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Hey everyone 🙂 I’m Neve <3
[10:33 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: sorry Matti the thing got mixed up
[10:33 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): I’m in Wanderlust Weekend this weekend! I’ve got the MerMoo Option Layer kit for Nemissa! It’s a cute, cow print option layer than you can tint to any colour you like that’ll work over any base layer of your choice. It’s only 50L between now and the end of Sunday! Modelled here by Pandora! https://flic.kr/p/2nANDuB
[10:33 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Awkwafina is in it too nice
[10:33 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): You can pick it up at the mainstore here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crystal%20Coast/231/106/37
[10:34 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Don’t forget you’re welcome to explore, swim and hangout at mermade’s Crystal Coast whenever you like, we’ve got 35 meters of cool clear water for when you need to chill after you’ve shopped. Crystal Coast (231,106,37)
[10:34 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): lol its cool miranda ?
[10:34 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:34 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: matt yer up
[10:35 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): TALA
[10:35 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): hi UP
[10:35 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): Tala ! ?
[10:35 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): Hey everyone! I wanted to share about Enchantment’s May Shopping Round! Dark Academia is the theme, so hollowed halls of academia, research books and antiquity mixed with fantasy themes.
[10:35 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): ooooo
[10:35 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): and guess what
[10:35 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice
[10:35 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): ((Krature)), Mermade. & Zen Child Designs all have products for sale!
[10:35 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): ((Krature)) has a lovely applier for riptide called “Atlas” and a 75L Flexi hip fin addition.
you can see more about it here on my flickr post: https://www.flickr.com/photos/189153235@N02/52893347561/in/dateposted-public/
[10:35 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): ?? BIG GIGANTIC APPLAUSE!!! ??
[10:35 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): cool
[10:35 AM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): woooot!
[10:35 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): i wonder if we can get them to do a small adboard?
[10:36 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): Mermade. has a really sparkly applier for riptide called “Auric” and a 75L upper body BOM that makes the tail match seamlessly with your skin. Elicia Parks i see is wearing this tail today! 😀
[10:36 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): lovely
[10:36 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): Finally, Zen Child Designs is selling the “Water Nymph’s Scrying Disc.” A beautiful hold item that ups your regality. It comes in two colors. She is also selling a BOM tattoo for 75L which has ties in to the ACOTAR book series, if you are familiar. <3
[10:36 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): Please check out and support your local mer community members at this event and let the organizers know you want to see mer products there. ?
[10:36 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): Here’s a Taxi to the event. it goes from May 12th-June 2rd.
Thank you! Persu Em!
[10:37 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): ?
[10:37 AM] ?????? ??s???? (Neve Nebula): Grace, you’d need to speak to the owners to arrange that. They wouldn’t need it at all, however.
[10:37 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thank you
[10:37 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): we need but I doubt I’ll reach out
[10:37 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Cecily yer up
[10:37 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): would help members tho
[10:38 AM] Christine Wolvie (ChrisWolvie Resident): Sorry…but I need to get to work. Hugs and fishes! Lusa em!
[10:38 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Tala seaple,
This is our last weekend of the Conch Island Festival!
It is a 2-sim, month long music and arts festival for the merfolk, art, and music communities of SL!
Myself, Matti and Cheeky Biscuit have all worked our tails off for 6 months to build the regions and secure vendors, performers and visual artists that are sure to cast a siren song on all who visit.
We also have over 30 vendors – some of the best fantasy and modern creators on the grid offering EXCLUSIVE items for our festival as well. Naturally, including Mermade. Zen Child Designs and ((Krature)) – all of which have exclusive RIPTIDE tails for sale.
Preview of my items, which will never be sold outside of Conch: https://flic.kr/p/2ozHm6F
Preview of (( Krature )) items: https://flic.kr/p/2oyrhFQ
Preview of mermade. items: https://flic.kr/p/2oyoapc
We will be open until May 26th – so join us when you can!
Some links:
and of course – the
[10:38 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Conch%20Island/119/150/44
Hope to see you all in the surf! Persu Em. ?
[10:38 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lusa em
[10:38 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: wow that thank you Cecily
[10:39 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): We have music happening in two hours ?
[10:39 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): hope you will want to join us
[10:39 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): people vuv it
[10:39 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): We have entertainment beginning at 1 PM SLT today~
[10:39 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): luv
[10:39 AM] ? Matticus Merrow ? (Matticus Merrow): yesss
[10:39 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Also!!! We’re down to the last couple days of the Mer May Hunt at VELES!
If you haven’t been yet, you’d better hurry!
SURL to the Hunt: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Veles%202/123/76/2601
[10:40 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): awesome
[10:41 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): It is also HALF TIME at Abnormality Event!
You can check out some really cool items specifically for mers and other PRIMORDIAL themed goodies at Abnormality!
SURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Abnormality/119/128/18
Preview of my items: https://flic.kr/p/2oB5ALe
[10:41 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Thank you! ?
[10:41 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: and thank you
[10:41 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Matriarch yer up
[10:41 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): Yes I am still grandma grace. I wanted to change my last name to mermaid and first did it wrong – so I have lost the Grace part of my new name. In 5 more days I can restablish my Grace name
[10:42 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): Safe Waters Foundation is looking for community members to step up and help our community by being mentors or concierges.
[10:42 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): I am so grateful for the many who have stepped up already!! Thanks
Biggest needs are for concierges and mentors.
[10:42 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): Come talk with Grace(matriarch.mermaid) for more info on how you can participate.. It is easy and you do it as much and as little and when you feel like it! Come to HQ
[10:43 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Union%20Passage/202/212/1 or im me
[10:43 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): And I’m still typing impaired – if you wish to communicate – setting the voice volume up helps me a great deal.
[10:43 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): I can read typing so YOU don’t have to voice
[10:43 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): many time is voice valume up only
[10:44 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): Thank you – we are are helpful under the sea!
[10:44 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): ty
[10:44 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:44 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: and thank you
[10:44 AM] Persi (Persiphone Karu): am so glad you explained you are GRace!
[10:44 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Understood Grandma
[10:44 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Ohora, you have the stick
[10:45 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: as soon as I saw the name I figured there was a high possibility
[10:45 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Nervously grips the talking stick in sweaty palms as she moves to the podium. The stick seems to have been chewed on but seems otherwise sound.
Yala everyone!
Every Wednesday I, Ohora Sessa, lead the Weekly Wander at 4:30 pm slt. Each week I will guide explorers to interesting aquatic destinations in our fascinating watery world.
Would you like to get to know the SWF hangouts better or just fancy a swim? Please come to the SWF Chat Pavilion Wednesdays at 4:30 pm slt. or take this mer taxi. Lusa em!
Passes the talking stick back.
[10:45 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thank you Ohora
[10:46 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Nerissa yer up
[10:46 AM] Chat Range: Marion698 Resident [13m]
[10:47 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): Tala everyone! I’d like to do some advertising for an RP sim. That sim is called Arendia. It’s a fantasy medieval RP sim that is quite detailed in terms of its lore.
The main reason I’m here to talk about Arendia is because I find it to be one of the best, if not the best RP sim for someone that wants to RP as a mermaid. There is a large amount of water space to navigate into.
[10:47 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): As I said, Arendia is a medieval fantasy RP sim that has its own website and a Discord for it. Arendia uses a dice roll system for the more focused combat and non-combat interactions. Personally I wasn’t sure what to think of it when I first joined it, but after being there for a while I really like the system because it uses multiple d6s. Also when you create your character sheet, you have points that you can allocate to specific stats, meaning even if you just start in Arendia, you’re not completely worthless/useless vs a veteran that has been around.
[10:47 AM] .: ???? s????????? ??p????? :. (spaceopal Resident): Do you have an ad board?
[10:47 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): I don’t think Arendia has an adboard.
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: are children allowed?
[10:47 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): No.
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ok
[10:47 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): Along with random RP sessions there are scheduled events that can be suggested by players. Events range both from combat and non-combat stuff. Like for example there was last month a market event organized by the mers in Arendia and people could use their Charisma stats to try and haggle for cheaper prices and the sellers used their Willpower stat to decide if they would accept or not.
Another non-combat event that happened was a silly cheese chase that had contestants use their Strength or Acrobatics rolls to try and keep chasing their cheese roll that was rolling down steep terrain.\
[10:48 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): Oh, forgot to mention that in Arendia, mers can have a land form to go walk on land, so you’re not limited only to water.
[10:48 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): If you wanna ask more questions feel free to ask me. Otherwise here’s the SLURL to the Arendia sims: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Thiaria/115/178/2967
And here’s the link to their website: https://www.arendiasl.com
[10:49 AM] Persi (Persiphone Karu): What system are they using?
[10:49 AM] Persi (Persiphone Karu): Unity?
[10:49 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): No. It uses its own HUD system.
[10:50 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): cool
[10:50 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: impressive
[10:50 AM] Persi (Persiphone Karu): Will be interesting to visit
[10:50 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): At the moment the sim has been suffering from a lull in activity, which I think is due to multiple new RP sims opening, hence why I’m doing some advertising. ^^;
[10:51 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): But when I looked at some of those other sims, I still think Arendia is the better one, ESPECIALLY as a mer.
[10:51 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: well see if you can talk them in to an adboard
[10:51 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Sounds cool
[10:52 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thank you Nerissa and now, Persi
[10:52 AM] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): I’ll try to pass on that suggestion about the adboard. But that’s basically all for me. Feel free to IM me for more questions.
[10:52 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: you have the stick
[10:52 AM] Persi (Persiphone Karu): Yes it takes a strong foundation in a group to keep a rp sim going
[10:54 AM] Marlin Aiden Marinea whispers: This youngin’ is ready to play!
[10:55 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ooh Persi crashed
[10:56 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay antiquity has an rfl thing going called ACTS events
[10:56 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:56 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: when I get the information I’ll have to post it in the group notes because I’m not as involved in it.
[10:57 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): or adboard 4 a week
[10:57 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid): antiguity is a swf partner sim!
[10:57 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: oh I’ll mention it to Levi. he’s a head in that.
[10:58 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[10:58 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Bea can get the info and work out a board then
[10:58 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay getting to that time my friends
[10:59 AM] Mer Matriarch (Matriarch Mermaid) takes a mermaid nap!!
[10:59 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: do you at least want a blanky?
[10:59 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: This meeting is now adjourned. Remember our SWF goals:
- to assist those considering an underwater life
- to increase awareness in the general public that there is an underwater option
- to make mer resources (events, projects, groups, retailers, sims, designers) visible and easily accessible
- to assist, as possible, with the viability of mer resources so they may continue to be available to the community
- to promote the conservation of rl oceans, lakes and waterways and the nature that relies on them
Now go mingle and explore! Thanks for joining us this day!!