[10:06] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.
[10:06] Peaches2U Camino: Awwww ª_ª
[10:06] Celtic Infinity cheers for Miranda!!!???
[10:07] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome all seafolk and friends
[10:07] Peaches2U Camino: Cheers for Miranda!
[10:07] Peaches2U Camino: Yesah
[10:07] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ***Woot Woot ***
[10:07] Miranda Barrowstone: ? tala peach
Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[10:08] Gabrielle de Lys (malagabi Resident) is offline.
[10:08] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t repeat things for latecomers – a log is posted on our blog after the meeting. This is not a place for public debate – this is a helpful place. we all help each other slive an aquatic lifestyle.
[10:09] Miranda Barrowstone: Because we usually have good attendance – please take a moment to remove all extra attachments and huds. We’d like you to dress low lag. Big poofy hair and jewelry are big culprits, as are bubbles, script things, huds, and such. If we all cooperate, more merfolk can participate with less crashing. Thank you for your help with this.
[10:09] Miranda Barrowstone: so hw was yer week seafolk?
[10:09] Celtic Infinity: It was great, thank you! How was yours, Miranda?
[10:10] Peaches2U Camino: FAST!
[10:10] Peaches2U Camino: Summer needs to stop rushing!
[10:10] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): week was good =^-^= ate (and drank!!) a lot today
[10:10] Miranda Barrowstone: sleep throught it… yeah I have issues with sleep lol
[10:11] Asteria Maxima (Asteria0Maxima Resident) is offline.
[10:11] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah winter goes slow and summer rushes wth is with that?
[10:11] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mebbes es the sunlight
[10:11] Miranda Barrowstone: probably
[10:12] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Marion 🙂
[10:12] Miranda Barrowstone: tala
[10:12] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): tala all:)
[10:13] Miranda Barrowstone: ok as always our priority is helping new mers. or old mers with questions…
[10:13] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) rolls over and nibbles Marion’s tail
[10:13] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so the order is my introduction-done, introduce the new folks, sharing questions, ideas, and support to help each other-ie; tails, hair, bodies, AOs, requests, etc, then PSAs and promotion of events, sales or what ever else needs to be shared, then I close us out with our goals, maybe a group hug and picture.
[10:13] Miranda Barrowstone: i saw that
[10:13] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): hiya fina
[10:13] Miranda Barrowstone: so here we go
[10:14] Miranda Barrowstone: Introductions
If you have brought someone new to this gathering, please introduce them now. If you are new and wish to introduce yourself please do so now.
just click on the podium to sit on it or sit were you are if thats just easier.
[10:14] Miranda Barrowstone: A very short sentence is all that is needed – for example: hi, I am (your name) and I discovered aquatics (brief description of how you found us) and what I love about being aquatic is (explain here).
[10:15] Miranda Barrowstone: so any newbies?
[10:16] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): hi, I’m Fina. I’m a cat
[10:16] Celtic Infinity tosses Fina a sardine
[10:16] Miranda Barrowstone gives shrimpie
[10:16] Miranda Barrowstone: yes you are
[10:16] Miranda Barrowstone: I have to ask… okay swimming on then
[10:16] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): =^.^= Nahm Nahm Nahm!
[10:16] Dove VonMörder (slavekarly Addens) is online.
[10:17] Miranda Barrowstone: Questions and support requests
Now – what general questions can we discuss here today? Where do our aquatics need help? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[10:17] Peaches2U Camino: Question
[10:17] Miranda Barrowstone: okay
[10:17] Miranda Barrowstone: Peaches? sup?
[10:18] Celtic Infinity claps for Peaches
[10:18] Peaches2U Camino: Saw peeps having problems with the gift pearls, are they ok now?
[10:18] Peaches2U Camino: Awwww ªª [10:18] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): claps for peaches [10:18] Miranda Barrowstone: I dunno this is the first I heard about it [10:18] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): me too [10:18] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): They didn’t work last time I was at the event location, but that was quite a few days ago. [10:18] Miranda Barrowstone: I’m not even sure where they are [10:18] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mrrrrp [10:18] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): wot gift pearls [10:18] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): gift pearls? [10:18] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): they don’t deliver when you click or try to get them. [10:19] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): At the SWF SLB event location. [10:19] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): mm [10:19] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): a bug [10:19] Miranda Barrowstone: oooh thats bad… who’s in charge do you know? [10:19] Peaches2U Camino: am just happy that I made it to the location this year, its beautiful [10:19] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): SWFBuilder I guess? I don’t know. [10:20] Peaches2U Camino: thanks for giving me that idea [10:20] Peaches2U Camino: if i find them [10:20] Miranda Barrowstone: okay I’ll swim over later and find out and message them [10:20] Peaches2U Camino: will inspect and see who is the owner [10:20] Miranda Barrowstone: best I can do [10:20] Roary McGillivary is online. [10:20] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): does anyone noes when SL19B runs until? [10:20] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ain’t been there yet [10:20] Peaches2U Camino: is still open today [10:21] Miranda Barrowstone: its usully a week or two [10:21] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): July 5th is closing. [10:21] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): july 5th? okies [10:21] Peaches2U Camino: some teleports do not show the info, but it lets you arrive [10:21] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): got a little bit of time [10:21] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): been busy in RL X_X [10:21] Miranda Barrowstone: hopefully we can get it fixed today [10:21] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): this week I had trouble putting out my trivia set [10:21] Miranda Barrowstone: that was important thank you [10:21] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): I know I mentioned the issue last night and saw someone head over to the pearl to try and fix it. [10:22] Asteria Maxima (Asteria0Maxima Resident) is online. [10:22] Jamarion (JM Lavendel) is online. [10:22] Miranda Barrowstone: why didn’t they just set it to sell at 0? [10:22] Miranda Barrowstone: its old school but it works [10:23] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): they’ve used a giver script inside, and it doesn’t give so it’s either a broken script or broken permissions. [10:23] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ut ohs 0.0 [10:23] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): they broke teh script [10:23] Miranda Barrowstone: dagnabit [10:23] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): naughty builder [10:23] Miranda Barrowstone: scripts do break on their own. sl is always updating so old scripts may be dead [10:24] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): nah, nothing’s changed with scripts in the last ten days that would do that, I’m fairly sure. [10:24] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): for something as simple as a giver… mebbe not [10:24] Miranda Barrowstone: found a few of mine that are like a decade now and don’t work [10:25] Miranda Barrowstone: I’ll test it and see what I can do [10:25] Miranda Barrowstone: okay any other business? [10:25] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): do yew has edit rights on builder? [10:25] Miranda Barrowstone: no but I can call people who do [10:25] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): if it’s checking scripts, I has teh expertise [10:26] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah I can only mod a few [10:27] Miranda Barrowstone: okay swimming on to promtions if we have no other questions? [10:27] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): I have a super quick question if you don’t mind <3 [10:27] Miranda Barrowstone: absolutly please [10:28] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): I’m almost at the end of building a whole aquatic region, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend any really tall kelp plants other than Balderdash or Botanical, please? [10:28] Bernice Galtier: Deep Seas? [10:28] Peaches2U Camino: sorry, I only know short ones from Hayabusa [10:28] Celtic Infinity: Cerridwen’s Cauldron [10:29] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): oh, I’ve not heard of Deep Seas or Hayabusa, I’ll check them out! Thanks 🙂 [10:29] Bernice Galtier: Deep Seas Mer Outfitters. [10:29] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): thanks! [10:29] Miranda Barrowstone: caldron’s is wicked nice [10:30] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): I’ve raided Cerridwen’s haha 😀 [10:30] Miranda Barrowstone: lol [10:30] Celtic Infinity: And the owner Elicio is super nice. [10:31] Miranda Barrowstone: theres wicked nice kelp in anti I can try to get the creators name [10:31] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): Thanks Miranda <3 [10:31] Miranda Barrowstone: ? [10:31] Miranda Barrowstone: sure thing [10:31] Bernice Galtier: And Aley’s free one is good. [10:32] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): yuuuuuuuus! [10:32] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah we use them [10:32] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): good ol Aley [10:32] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): Aley? 🙂 [10:32] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): es an option [10:32] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): AleyMart on MP [10:32] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): all free stuff, but old-style, some sculpties [10:32] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): some of ’em are pretty high LI [10:32] Miranda Barrowstone: Aley was a mer here famous for creating and full perming her stuff [10:32] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): but they free [10:32] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): I’m not averse to a sculpty 😀 [10:33] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): if yew ish a builder [10:33] Miranda Barrowstone: she did get a mesher and lowered the li a lot [10:33] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): yew needs to know of Aley’s existence [10:33] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): hmm some of her stuff still not [10:33] Miranda Barrowstone: yes please tell the young ones of Aley [10:33] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): hmm [10:33] Miranda Barrowstone: true [10:34] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): if I noes of Aley, am I an old cat meows [10:34] Miranda Barrowstone: the legend of Aley [10:34] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): has anyone got an LM or her MP link, please? [10:34] Celtic Infinity: 🙂 [10:34] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I’ll dig it up hang on [10:34] Miranda Barrowstone: ooh hang on [10:34] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): thank you Fina <3 [10:34] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/161413 [10:35] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): blimey [10:35] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): meow yew noes bout Aley [10:35] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): better late than never! [10:35] Miranda Barrowstone: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/161413 [10:36] Sparktalon Resident: There’s also a whole sim of Aley’s stuff here: Mieville Pond (129,131,21) [10:36] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah the web page diudn’t wanna load. thank you Fina [10:37] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): :-.,,.-:‘'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'
[10:37] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): thankies Sparktalon
[10:37] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): Thank you, this is all so great
[10:37] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Aley has an unknown number of inworld locations for her stuff
[10:37] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I thiiiiiiiink she used to have one at Fanci’s
[10:37] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): what a fantastic resource for new builders, too
[10:37] Miranda Barrowstone: she was a regular here too
[10:38] Miranda Barrowstone: at one point the entire region had her work
[10:39] Miranda Barrowstone: there was a pirate town, a bus, and a steam fair here
[10:39] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): hah cool
[10:39] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): you can absolutely build a sim entirely out of her stuff
[10:39] Miranda Barrowstone: I used to ride the bus to get all thse places
[10:39] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): I can’t wait to open my region and invite you all for a swim 😀
[10:39] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): pirate town and steam fair sounds about right =^-^=
[10:39] Celtic Infinity: Thank you for your efforts, Neve!
[10:39] Miranda Barrowstone: I better open up for promtions
[10:40] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I used her items for my very first exhibition build last year, during Shocktober
[10:40] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): lemme see if any photos survive
[10:40] Peaches2U Camino: hahahaha
[10:40] Miranda Barrowstone: the bus ended at the mall I loved it
[10:40] Miranda Barrowstone: Quick reminders/announcements
Ad boards are awesome because they can help newer merfolk and aquatics find places to swim. If you need mer traffic, please consider renting an ad board.
[10:40] ßêzål N?o?x D?kutsuki (parlax Resident) is offline.
[10:41] Miranda Barrowstone: Perks include helping the group and being allowed to post ads in the group twice a day. Add in the fact that anyone can ask for the stick and that is great exposure.
[10:41] Miranda Barrowstone: You might also consider being a hang out.
Please also check our mer-mall just past the headquarters. space available and lots of great things.
[10:42] Miranda Barrowstone: Be sure to visit the safe waters foundation web site and event calendar at http://www.safewatersfoundation.com/#home
[10:42] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): I reeeeeeaaaally need to update my mer mall store haha
[10:42] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[10:42] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): lol neve block out a set time to do it =^-^=
[10:42] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): I will once the new mainstore and region is done 😀
[10:42] Miranda Barrowstone: okay with out further ado, Fina swim n up boo
[10:42] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mew!
[10:42] Celtic Infinity cheers for Fina
[10:43] Peaches2U Camino: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassss.
[10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): okies it’s the usual announcement
[10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Every Tuesday 12-2pm, Creations Park holds a mer costume party and contest. We have two lovely performers, Arisia Vita on piano and Lifearose singing. We’ve also recently started running trivia during this event, hosted by everyone’s favorite trivia cat! =^-^=
[10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Creations Park is partnered with Team Fox (the Michael J Fox Foundation), and all donations go towards research for Parkinson’s Disease.
[10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): This coming Tuesday’s theme is…
[10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Artful Aquatics!
[10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ***Woot Woot ***
[10:43] Celtic Infinity: Nice!
[10:43] Miranda Barrowstone: oh explain
[10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Come in costume and enjoy music and art-themed trivia! Find out which famous unibrow was featured on money notes, see if you can tell artists from pasta, and more!
[10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): the theme will be art
[10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): and artists!
[10:44] Miranda Barrowstone: Freida Khalo was on money?
[10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): yus
[10:44] Miranda Barrowstone: wow
[10:44] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): looking forward to it as always Fina 😀 my fave weekly event in SL!
[10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): apparently old set of Mexican peso
[10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): If you are free then, hope to see you there! LMs available for any interested on request (IM me)! =^-^=
[10:45] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Also, from 2022, Creations Park is a SWF Partner (we’re actually the very first SWF Partner), so you can surf on to our lovely sim from SWF easily via our adboard or Partners Portal!
[10:45] Miranda Barrowstone: oooh I need to collect those
[10:45] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) gives Miranda a crayon while she is distracted and swims off with the stick to nibble on
[10:45] Miranda Barrowstone looks at the crayon
[10:45] Celtic Infinity: 🙂
[10:46] Bernice Galtier: Is it a talking crayon?
[10:46] Peaches2U Camino: hahahaha
[10:46] Miranda Barrowstone: okay who else would like to hold the talking crayon?
[10:47] Miranda Barrowstone: anyone?
[10:47] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): I would have a question as well.
[10:47] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): :-.,,.-:’'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'
[10:47] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): Not about current events and so on. A help-related question.
[10:47] Miranda Barrowstone: questions are over but ask away
[10:48] Peaches2U Camino: Taloha Ohora^^
[10:48] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): questions was earlier, but Miranda says we has a bit of time
[10:48] Miranda Barrowstone: if you need to know, ask
[10:48] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): Anyone knows of good skin stores that might sell some fantasy skin(preferably blue) as well as normal skins? I’ve been trying to work on updating my look to BoM style but my current skins have been discontinued, so I have to look for new skins.
[10:49] Celtic Infinity: Petrichor/Plastik
[10:49] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): wait nerissa
[10:49] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Petrichor is always a good start
[10:49] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): or Fallen Gods
[10:49] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yala everyone
[10:49] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): the big names
[10:49] Celtic Infinity: Good call, Fina
[10:49] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): Nerissa, I would really recommend Maze. They have a build your own skin kit – where you can make your own shading and highlight colours not just for your body but face too in one kit. It’s excellent.
[10:49] Miranda Barrowstone: have you checked mp? they might have more in an inworld store
[10:50] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) combines Peaches and Ohora’s greetings…
[10:50] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): here:
[10:50] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FloydChange-Your-Skin-Tone-Color-Pack/22183691
[10:50] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): YALOHA! =^-^=
[10:50] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): Also, look for Velour Ocean skin tone – it’s a cheap way to BOM up. A body will be about 300L, and you’ll be able to grab a face at many of the weekend sales spots.
[10:50] Miranda Barrowstone: oh wow
[10:50] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:50] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): yeah!!!
[10:51] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): dats many choices meows
[10:51] Miranda Barrowstone: you all set now?
[10:52] Nerissa (Killerwing Resident): I think so. Though I had checked Fallen Gods and while they had adapted skins to BoM I noticed that the nails on the skin were a bit off when BoM applied.
[10:52] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): eep
[10:52] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): that’s not supposed to happen
[10:52] ???? ???? (AkemiKiyomizu Resident): they also haven’t made all of their faces EvoX, same with Petrichor, so be wary if you’re wearing a new Lelutka head.
[10:52] Miranda Barrowstone: well we can go over that a bit more later
[10:52] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): iirc, true bom skins have no finger and toe nails
[10:53] Miranda Barrowstone: I need to share and ohra needs to share
[10:53] Miranda Barrowstone: Tala I’m Miranda and I come from Antiquity.
we have 16 sims to swim through, homes available, shopping spaces, mer spots, and active groups.
[10:53] Celtic Infinity cheers for Miranda
[10:53] Miranda Barrowstone: We are inclusive, furries, humans, kids etc are welcome with open arms, we allow for merfolk toplessness underwater,
[10:54] Miranda Barrowstone: Just don’t flash the humans cause they faint.
[10:54] Miranda Barrowstone: we have a system called TCS. its a craft/trade/rp system that allows you to trade goods with other mers or landers. You can harvest and create things.
[10:54] Miranda Barrowstone: So if you have any questions, or need lms please shoot me an im. Persu em ?
[10:54] Miranda Barrowstone: Ohora? the crayon is yours
[10:55] Celtic Infinity claps for Ohora
[10:55] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) nibbles the stick contentedly
[10:55] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): okay ty Miranda
[10:56] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:57] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): catches gnawed stick
[10:57] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) growls and hangs on to stick
[10:57] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Once again I have been looking all over SLBD19 to find things that might interest you. I will keep this brief as my nc speaks for itself. I included my last report inside this one. If you have any questions please contact me either by nc or IM. Thank you!
[10:57] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah we’re using a crayon right now
[10:58] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): :-.,,.-:‘'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'
[10:58] Miranda Barrowstone: good job ?
[10:59] Miranda Barrowstone: so what good places have you found?
[10:59] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): sorry gnawed crayon
[10:59] Drezenda Firebloom (Drezenda Resident) is offline.
[10:59] Miranda Barrowstone: lol yeah it is a little bent
[11:00] Drezenda Firebloom (Drezenda Resident) is online.
[11:00] Miranda Barrowstone: loks like it time to wrap ths up
[11:00] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): I have the nc here
[11:00] Miranda Barrowstone: can I please have a copy?
[11:00] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) reaches out a paw for the NC
[11:00] Miranda Barrowstone: This meeting is now adjourned. Remember our SWF goals:
- to assist those considering an underwater life
- to increase awareness in the general public that there is an underwater option
- to make mer resources (events, projects, groups, retailers, sims, designers) visible and easily accessible
- to assist, as possible, with the viability of mer resources so they may continue to be available to the community
- to promote the conservation of rl oceans, lakes and waterways and the nature that relies on them
Now go mingle and explore! Thanks for joining us this day!!
Miranda note: I checked the pearl at slb, it works fine.