[10:00] Miranda Barrowstone: good morning!
Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.
[10:00] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome new and old aquatics and friends!
[10:01] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Kaylie 🙂
[10:01] Celtic Infinity cheers for Miranda!!!???
[10:01] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ~Tala~
[10:01] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): everyone
[10:01] Miranda Barrowstone: Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[10:01] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t repeat things for latecomers – a log is posted on our blog after the meeting. This is not a place for public debate – this is a helpful place. we all help each other slive an aquatic lifestyle.
[10:02] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): tala Hiroko
[10:02] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Hiroko 🙂
[10:02] Hiroko Nubalo: Everyone!!!
[10:02] Hiroko Nubalo Greets you
[10:02] Hiroko Nubalo: >><>TalaOo
[10:02] Miranda Barrowstone: Because we usually have good attendance – please take a moment to remove all extra attachments and huds. We’d like you to dress low lag. Big poofy hair and jewelry are big culprits, as are bubbles, script things, huds, and such. If we all cooperate, more merfolk can participate with less crashing. Thank you for your help with this.
[10:02] Hiroko Nubalo: new seating?
[10:02] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): yep
[10:02] Celtic Infinity nods
[10:02] Miranda Barrowstone: how was your week seafolk?
[10:02] Hiroko Nubalo: YEA!!!
[10:02] Celtic Infinity: It was good, thanks! How was yours, Miranda?
[10:03] Miranda Barrowstone: not too bad. ?
[10:03] Miranda Barrowstone: got to see friends it was lovely
[10:03] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): tala fina
[10:03] Nevaeh Lockhart (ItsIntuitive Resident): Awesome! The fantasy faire was amazing!
[10:03] Miranda Barrowstone: tala Fina
[10:03] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mrow~
[10:04] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): what do you mean was amazing?
[10:04] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): it continues!
[10:04] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): it not over yet
[10:04] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): nod nod
[10:04] Miranda Barrowstone: still on. my cousn is performing today
[10:04] Celtic Infinity huggles Fina
[10:04] Nevaeh Lockhart (ItsIntuitive Resident): My work week/weekend starts so I may not be going as much is what I mean
[10:05] Miranda Barrowstone: ahhh understood
[10:05] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I’ve not had a chance to swim with her much
[10:06] Miranda Barrowstone: aww
[10:06] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mew!
[10:06] Miranda Barrowstone: okay we should move on ?
[10:06] Miranda Barrowstone: Our priority today is support – mers helping mers – aquatics helping aquatics.
[10:07] JoAnne Royal-Stark (joanneroyal Resident) is online.
[10:07] Miranda Barrowstone: we all help eachother. cause we’re awesome like that
[10:07] Miranda Barrowstone: taa Chris
[10:07] Nevaeh Lockhart (ItsIntuitive Resident): Tala Chris!
[10:07] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ~Tala~
[10:07] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): chris
[10:07] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): we sure are good at helping each other
[10:07] Chris McCracken: Tala 😀
[10:07] Miranda Barrowstone: okay so the order is my introduction-done, introduce the new folks, sharing questions, ideas, and support to help each other-ie; tails, hair, bodies, AOs, requests, etc, then PSAs and promotion of events, sales or what ever else needs to be shared, then I close us out with our goals, maybe a group hug and picture.
So here we go!!
[10:07] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): tala chris:-)
[10:08] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Chris 🙂
[10:08] Miranda Barrowstone: Introductions
If you have brought someone new to this gathering, please introduce them now. If you are new and wish to introduce yourself please do so now.
just click on the podium to sit on it or sit were you are if thats just easier.
[10:09] Miranda Barrowstone: A very short sentence is all that is needed – for example: hi, I am (your name) and I discovered aquatics (brief description of how you found us) and what I love about being aquatic is (explain here).
[10:09] Miranda Barrowstone: so any new folk today?
[10:09] Miranda Barrowstone smiles and waits
[10:09] Nevaeh Lockhart (ItsIntuitive Resident): I am new to the mer-meetings for sure
[10:09] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): hi I’m Fina, I’m a cat =^-^=
[10:09] Celtic Infinity pets the cat
[10:09] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[10:10] Celtic Infinity: Welcome to Safe Waters, Nevaeh!
[10:10] Miranda Barrowstone: I’m sure sure I seen you both
[10:10] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): Welcome Neveah!! good to see you !!
[10:10] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ~Tala~
[10:10] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): i am miaka lovely to be here with everyone
[10:10] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome
[10:10] ? ????????c????g-?eirs? (KaylieePie Resident): I’m also new to the meetings. Nice to meet all of you.
[10:10] Nevaeh Lockhart (ItsIntuitive Resident): ^^
[10:10] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson) is online.
[10:10] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): welcome Miaka!!
[10:11] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): [?]::? ????? ???? ?::[?]
[10:11] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome Kaylee
[10:11] Celtic Infinity: Welcome to Safe Waters, Kaylee!
[10:11] Celtic Infinity: Welcome to Safe Waters, Miaka! 🙂
[10:11] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): [?]::? ????? ???? ?::[?]
[10:11] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): Welcome Kaylee!!!!!!!
[10:11] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): lovely to meet you
[10:11] Miranda Barrowstone: so how you folks enjoying merSLife
[10:11] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): i love it 😀
[10:12] Nevaeh Lockhart (ItsIntuitive Resident): Loved it from the moment I dove in
[10:12] Miranda Barrowstone: thats awesome
[10:13] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): WOOOOOOOO
[10:14] Miranda Barrowstone: okay well hopfully we can get a lot of great info out today. if not we have the ad boards..
[10:14] Miranda Barrowstone: welcome new folks.
[10:14] Miranda Barrowstone: on to
Questions and support requests
Now – what general questions can we discuss here today? Where do our aquatics need help? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[10:15] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[10:15] Celtic Infinity: Tala, Persi 🙂
[10:15] Persi (Persiphone Karu): Tala
[10:15] Miranda Barrowstone: things like tail support, hair, aos etc. maybe requests to build things
[10:16] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): just wanted to say, the new seats look rad
[10:16] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I hadn’t noticed them!
[10:16] Bernice Galtier: And they work!
[10:16] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): they are great!
[10:16] Hiroko Nubalo: can sit on them too!!
[10:16] Miranda Barrowstone: any questions? i can give you the invisible talking stick
[10:16] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ?? BIG GIGANTIC APPLAUSE!!! ??
[10:16] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE
[10:16] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah they do look cool
[10:16] Miranda Barrowstone: kinda like a sporting event
[10:16] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I thought my viewer was being weird
[10:16] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): HA HAHA HA..haha!!
[10:17] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I guess I have a question to put out
[10:17] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): may I have the talking stick? or should I IM you Miranda and wait?
[10:17] Miranda Barrowstone: okay it pleases and sparkles, Grace you have the stick
[10:17] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): yay!!! \o/
[10:18] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) slimes the stick
[10:18] Miranda Barrowstone readies a wipe
[10:18] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): what is noteworthy at fantasy faire? what would you go do again?
[10:18] Celtic Infinity claps for Grace
[10:18] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): nuuuuu now I can’t bite the stick
[10:18] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): sure you can – bubble gum flavored slime
[10:18] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): last year I ate loads of birbs
[10:18] Miranda Barrowstone gives Fina a shrimp donut
[10:18] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): this year they made the theme something inedible solely because of me =^-^=
[10:18] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): birds?
[10:18] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): =^.^= Nahm Nahm Nahm!
[10:19] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): oh yessss I remember the birds from last year’s fantasy faire
[10:19] JewelMermaid Resident: fina what is the theme?
[10:19] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): what is the theme this year?
[10:19] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I don’t remember exactly. I heard it’s cats
[10:19] Bernice Galtier: Just wandering from region to region admiring the creativity of the builders is enough.
[10:19] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): haven’t been there much
[10:19] Persi (Persiphone Karu): it’s the sleeping cat
[10:19] Miranda Barrowstone: I always get lost there.
[10:19] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): there is supposed to be an incredible hunt again
[10:19] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): not sure if it has started – I’ve been out of world more than in lately
[10:19] JewelMermaid Resident: I find Opet to be the best looking sim of them all
[10:19] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I seem to remember last year I helped Grace cheese the hunt =^-^=
[10:19] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): anyone visited the underwater region that SWF sponsered?
[10:20] Miranda Barrowstone: yes!
[10:20] Bernice Galtier: Yes. It’s lovely.
[10:20] Hiroko Nubalo: I DID!!!
[10:20] Persi (Persiphone Karu): thier are animals that have gotten out of their home… and you find them; then the next part you’ll try to rejoin thm all to their home
[10:20] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): yes! I got so frustrated
[10:20] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): how is our little region?
[10:20] Persi (Persiphone Karu): yes Grace I’ve been there
[10:20] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): offered to help the builder but she never requested anything
[10:20] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): thoughts/comments?
[10:20] Persi (Persiphone Karu): it’s nice; a builders idea of an underwater area
[10:20] Miranda Barrowstone: do we ever have an rp story? Loki’s group always does
[10:21] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): SWF isn’t a role play group
[10:21] Persi (Persiphone Karu): no rp here
[10:21] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): there are role play groups active
[10:21] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I think easily found on the adboards
[10:22] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): the Haven of Mer sims have a roleplay group I know
[10:22] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): SWF is a unifier, there isn’t one RP arc which dominates the others
[10:22] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): there are more
[10:22] Miranda Barrowstone: okay just wondering
[10:22] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): the only dominant RP arc is that mercats are perpetually hungry =^-^=
[10:22] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ?´¯•.¸¸? ?¸¸.??´¯
*???¸¸. ??????
[10:22] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah never is, all the rps are different
[10:23] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): we are a central resource area – yes for finding role play groups that are active
[10:23] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): great question Miranda!
[10:23] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): good to clarify that
[10:23] Miranda Barrowstone: the unifer is that they are all set up to encorage rfl donations
[10:23] Persi (Persiphone Karu): there are several smaller quests and hunts at FF also this year
[10:23] Miranda Barrowstone: I was a part of Loki’s like twice
[10:23] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): that is just one area that we unify Miranda?
[10:24] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): SWF is much bigger – year round – RFL isn’t the central thing we do
[10:24] Miranda Barrowstone: I think so, I dunno
[10:24] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): that would be FF’s unifier
[10:24] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yala everyone sorry I am late but couldn’t be helped
[10:24] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): yes Fina
[10:24] Miranda Barrowstone: I don’t get to visit much anymore
[10:24] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): glad you made it Ohora
[10:24] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): samesies
[10:24] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ¨‘°º?O?• ??l? •?O?º°‘¨
[10:24] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ohra
[10:24] Miranda Barrowstone: tala
[10:24] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): 2020 was amazing (when everything was in lockdown cuz of covid)
[10:25] Persi (Persiphone Karu): there is a new mermaid that i met this morning…..
[10:25] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): 2021 I had less time. hope I have some time in 2022
[10:25] Persi (Persiphone Karu): Sabineey is her name; she cant come to the meeting
[10:25] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Persi had a play at FF
[10:25] Persi (Persiphone Karu): she did joine the group
[10:25] Miranda Barrowstone: ahh
[10:25] Persi (Persiphone Karu): yes it was wonderful
[10:25] Miranda Barrowstone: oh any other support questions?
[10:25] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): does everyone have the info card we made to hand out to people just finding mer life or underwater life?
[10:26] Persi (Persiphone Karu): Grace i have some info about videos for that play
[10:26] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): itt was more than !!!
[10:26] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): •??? ???s??? s???? ???•
[10:26] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): okay persi – like online videos
[10:26] Miranda Barrowstone: I might need another.
[10:26] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): let me IM you
[10:26] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): no, wherw can you get the NC
[10:26] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I shall drop one on you if you IM me
[10:26] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ok great ty
[10:26] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): (????)? ? Ichi Ni San NYA! Arigato~ ?
[10:26] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I’m the black mermaid sitting in the kelpbeds
[10:27] Hiroko Nubalo: If anyone would like my “Types of Mermaids Book” I made buzz me
[10:27] Hiroko Nubalo: and grab a shrimp from my tray i am holding
[10:27] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ><(“> You h?ve not shrimp bec?use you ?sk not <“)><
[10:27] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ooooh
[10:28] Miranda Barrowstone: aww yer sweet *grabs pone before grace and Fina do*
[10:28] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): SHRIIIIIIMP
[10:28] Second Life: Hiroko Nubalo gave you TYPES OF MERMAIDS (ADD OR WEAR).
[10:28] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): mmmmmmm yummy
[10:28] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): [?]::? ????? ???? ?::[?]
[10:28] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): hiroko for the shrimp
[10:29] Persi (Persiphone Karu): Grace can I post in chat the youtube video for the play?
[10:29] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[10:29] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[10:29] Miranda Barrowstone: okay looks like q&a is over so lets move on. Grace for the discussion
[10:29] Miranda Barrowstone: ty* Grace
[10:30] Miranda Barrowstone: Quick reminders/announcements
[10:30] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): you are welcome
[10:30] Miranda Barrowstone: Ad boards are awesome because they can help newer merfolk and aquatics find places to swim. If you need mer traffic, please consider renting an ad board.
[10:30] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident) smiles and nods
[10:30] Miranda Barrowstone: being a partner also rocks.
[10:31] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): where would the adboards be?
[10:31] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): and at a good price too !! Small boards only 10 Lindens a week
[10:31] Miranda Barrowstone: Perks include helping the group and being allowed to post ads in the group twice a day. Add in the fact that anyone can ask for the stick and that is great exposure.
[10:31] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): adboards are at the other side of the SWF building
[10:31] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): They are at the Landing spot .
[10:31] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): by the welcome wall – actually between the welcome wall and the mer mall
[10:31] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): yes – the landing spot
[10:32] Miranda Barrowstone: um… I don’t have a precise lm right now I recommend the teleporters.
[10:32] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): oh yes
[10:32] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): the teleporters!!! great suggestion
[10:32] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): LMs don’t work anyway
[10:32] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): they send us to landing zone
[10:33] Miranda Barrowstone: You might also consider being a hang out.
Please also check our mer-mall just past the headquarters. space available and lots of great things.
Be sure to visit the safe waters foundation web site and event calendar at http://www.safewatersfoundation.com/#home
[10:33] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): everyone seen the event calendar?
[10:33] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): no
[10:33] Miranda Barrowstone: I think its by the boards
[10:34] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): https://safewatersfoundation.com/calendar/
[10:34] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): that is the link
[10:34] Miranda Barrowstone: that works
[10:34] Miranda Barrowstone: and now…
Public service announcements
Now we allow a limited time for publicity. Who has something fun to share? A store, new sim, event, or news? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[10:34] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): It is posted inside the HQ Building and you can also to to the website at the top of your screen to find it.
[10:35] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): not SWF events – but as the unifier – we try to make all the underwater events who wish to invite us – we encourage them to put events into that calendar
[10:35] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): free of charge
[10:35] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[10:35] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): the calendar is also in the SWF building if you wish to see in when on site
[10:35] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): YAY!!!!
[10:36] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah I really need to remind anti-folks of that
[10:36] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): it is free – the calendar
[10:36] Miranda Barrowstone: If you would like do a little aquatic public announcement – please im me now and I will let you know when it is your turn
[10:37] Miranda Barrowstone: first up, Jewel you now have the stick.
[10:37] Celtic Infinity claps for Jewel
[10:37] Miranda Barrowstone: pleaser don’t bonk people
[10:37] Miranda Barrowstone: yes I wiped it
[10:37] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): ** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE
[10:37] JewelMermaid Resident: Tala everyone, I am one of the concierge leaders, and we are always looking for new mers and seafolk to become concierges. we need friendly concierges to greet newcomers and SL newbies and give information that new mers need here at SWF HQ,
Its a good way to meet new people, and hang out with other mers and seafolk, we also work at various events throughout the calendar. If you are interested in joining please IM me.
[10:37] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) chuckles
[10:37] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE
[10:38] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~ for Jewel!!
[10:38] JewelMermaid Resident: The Fantasy Faire has begun and we need concierges there day and night, If you can help, let me know as we can give a training session to instruct you. The faire is a lot of fun so be sure to visit the SWF booth on Opet
thanks everyone
[10:38] JewelMermaid Resident: On a different note, I am the Mer Mall manager at Fanci’s Deep, and I want to tell you that we have a few stores that are available right now, They are 250 L per week and you can use 75 prims. The mall has a good daily traffic number, both mers and humans spend time there shopping, and we get quite a few sailors and divers. I can give more information if requested and I can send you the landmark.
Thank you
[10:38] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): Big thanks to all that have helped man the FF booth !!!!!
[10:38] Second Life: Hiroko Nubalo gave you Mer Dictionary.
[10:38] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): ? ? ? ???? ?2????•.??
[10:39] Miranda Barrowstone: okay Fina yer up
[10:39] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): :-.,_,.-:‘'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'
[10:40] Celtic Infinity cheers for Fina
[10:40] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): ** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE
[10:40] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE
[10:40] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) nibbles the stick carefully
[10:40] Miranda Barrowstone: loving the hat
[10:40] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ?´¯•.¸¸? ?¸¸.??´¯
*???¸¸. ??????
[10:40] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): two announcements today, both pre-typed
[10:40] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): first one is our Tuesday mer costume party
[10:40] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Every Tuesday 12-2pm, Creations Park holds a mer costume party and contest. We have two lovely performers, Arisia Vita on piano and Lifearose singing. We’ve also recently started running trivia during this event, hosted by everyone’s favorite trivia cat! =^-^=
[10:41] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Creations Park is partnered with Team Fox (the Michael J Fox Foundation), and all donations go towards research for Parkinson’s Disease.
[10:41] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): This coming Tuesday’s theme… is something I’m super excited about, been wanting to do it for years now!
[10:41] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Can anyone guess the theme by looking at my outfit? =^-^=
[10:41] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): star wars
[10:41] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): DING!!!
[10:41] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): wooo
[10:41] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): the theme is…
[10:41] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): °º¤ø ??????ø? ¤º° [10:41] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): CINCO DE STAR WARS!!! [10:42] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): HA HAHA HA..haha!! [10:42] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): with May the 4th and Cinco de Mayo being one day apart... [10:42] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Come in off-brand Mexican versions of your favorite Star Wars characters, and enjoy music and themed trivia! Find out which was the first multimillion dollar animated movie with an all-Latin cast, who was the only person to win an Oscar nomination for a Star Wars movie, and more! [10:42] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Cinco De Mayo evening [10:42] Celtic Infinity: Awesome, Fina! [10:42] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): If you are free then, hope to see you there! LMs available for any interested on request (IM me)! =^-^= [10:42] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Also, from 2022, Creations Park is a SWF Partner (we're actually the very first SWF Partner), so you can surf on to our lovely sim from SWF easily via our adboard *or* Partners Portal! [10:42] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): next Tuesday is the 3rd I think, but we still doing Cinco de Star Wars =^-^= [10:42] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): so that's the first =^-^= [10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): the second one is a FF announcement [10:43] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): yes, and I do believe people at Creations Park can take the return portal back to SWF [10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): yus! [10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): so okay second announcement: Be on the lookout for black cats handing out scout cookies. [10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Usually they'll look something like this *gestures to self* [10:43] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I'll drown any I find [10:43] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) hisses [10:43] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ?´¯
•.¸¸? ?¸¸.??´¯*???¸¸. ?????? [10:43] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): tastes like shrimp [10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): They're made with a secret recipe, and are greatly contributing to the problem of global food waste and starvation! Best of all, they're completely FREE of charge! [10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): In fact, you can click on my box pile for a cookie right now! =^-^= [10:44] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): oh [10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Of course the pawlice, being INFAMOUSLY korrupt, have a warrant out for us - I MEAN THEM [10:44] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): so not really beware but be aware? [10:44] Second Life: FF Cookie Box Pile Dinkie V2.0 ADD owned by F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) gave you 'OLDE Scout cookie ADD' ( Union Passage (44,236,1) ). [10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): yus [10:44] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I won't drown cookies [10:44] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): but do they taste like shrimp? [10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): if people say beware or don't eat the cookies, don't believe 'em [10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): they sality [10:44] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): salty [10:45] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): anyway, the pawlice are anti-fun and korrupt [10:45] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): anyway, Basement Kittehs of Doom Jail & Bail will be TOMORROW, May 1, 2-4pm. Hope to see you there! Of course, it'll be just one of many fun events of Fantasy Faire! [10:45] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) nibbles the stick more and doesn't seem to want to give it back [10:46] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ?´¯
•.¸¸? ?¸¸.??´¯*???¸¸. ?????? [10:46] Miranda Barrowstone pulls out new stick [10:46] Bernice Galtier: Did somebody dip the stick in catnip? [10:46] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mrow~ [10:46] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ?´¯
•.¸¸? ?¸¸.??´¯*???¸¸. ?????? [10:46] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): utoh she is doing an odd dance [10:46] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) swims off with the old well chewed stick [10:46] Miranda Barrowstone: -=*giggles*=- [10:46] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): /ig [10:46] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): ?* ????? ! *? ?? ? [10:46] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ?´¯
•.¸¸? ?¸¸.??´¯*???¸¸. ?????? [10:46] Miranda Barrowstone: Grace you have the new stick [10:46] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): there is a calendar they sell where photos are cats on catnip [10:47] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): hello all [10:47] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): first - I apologize to Miranda for talking over her [10:47] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): sorry! [10:47] Miranda Barrowstone: it's okay [10:47] Miranda Barrowstone: tu [10:47] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): she mentioned some of the resources offered at SWF [10:47] Miranda Barrowstone: ~~~Persu Em~~~ [10:47] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you [10:47] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and I just wanted to take this opportunity to go a little more in depth [10:47] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): the hangouts are incredible [10:47] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [10:47] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ****APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE**** [10:48] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): its free to be a hangout but to be one you apply - and basically agree to be part of our hangout network [10:48] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): in the SWF buildings - there is a Portal Hub [10:48] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): one door is a hub to many of the SWF Hangouts [10:48] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): you swim in - choose a hangout and magic - YOU ARE THERE [10:48] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): like an easy LM [10:48] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): WOOOOOOOO [10:49] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): nicee [10:49] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): the other portal is for the SWF Partner sites [10:49] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and the Partner portal right now also includes portal choices into some parts of Fantasy Faire [10:49] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ \(@o@)/ / YAY!!!~ [10:49] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Partners are long time contributors to the undersea community [10:50] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): there is a fee [10:50] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): so they also donate an annual amount to the treasurey so we can do the marketing outreaches we do [10:50] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ***Woot Woot *** [10:50] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): to grow and hopefully increase the sustainability of our undersea community [10:50] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): howdy, pardner [10:50] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): to be a partner is by invitation only [10:51] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and we ask you to consider visiting the people's place who have dug in and are recognzed as sustainability leaders in SL [10:51] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Creations Park is one [10:51] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): gorgeous sim [10:51] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ooh I didn't know it's invitation only =^-^= [10:51] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): *Mmhmm* [10:51] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Antiquity was invited but we haven't heard back from them [10:52] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Creations Park is actually really big, and the stage we use is only a small part of it [10:52] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I'm managing the partner program [10:52] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): so if you think there is a leader we've not recognized yet - please feel free to nominate them [10:52] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): to me [10:52] Miranda Barrowstone: yeah Jacon get's busy and I need to explain how it works with him [10:52] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I gave him the nc Miranda [10:52] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and can share it with you [10:52] Miranda Barrowstone: ok [10:53] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I'll share the nc with any recognized citizen of the sea [10:53] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): YAY!!!! [10:53] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): so many volunteers have made this central resource we call Safe Waters Foundation - a helpful and fun resource [10:53] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): nobody is overlooked intentionally [10:53] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and I have so much gratitude for so many [10:54] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I'm organizing and will start a couple of classes for people who would like to contribute/help in other manners [10:54] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): please be sure you are set to receive SWF notices [10:54] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): as that is where the classes will be announced [10:54] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Jewel and Chicky volunteer as SWF Officers [10:54] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): which is a great investment of their time and talents - to manage the administration of SWF [10:55] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Miranda volunteers as the leader of this suppport group - long term leader I might add [10:55] Miranda Barrowstone smiles [10:55] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Miranda is also volunteering as one of our board of directors [10:56] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Celtic Infiinity is a previoius board member and very central on how SWF developed over multiple years [10:56] Celtic Infinity waves [10:56] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): the new build is done by a volunteer builder - Benjamin Buttons - custom mesh builds and a vision which understands our goals [10:57] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): thank you for still coming and greeting people Celtic when you can [10:57] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Selina has been volunteering a LOT [10:57] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and - the concierge team [10:57] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): • ?? • ?? • ???? (=_=) [10:57] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): they are so awesome - Jewel has been at Fantasy Faire a lot and Echo and her have such a vision [10:57] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): enough kudos [10:58] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): nods [10:58] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ****APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE**** [10:58] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [10:58] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): lets appreciate each other [10:58] Miranda Barrowstone smiles and claps foor her fellow seafolk [10:58] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): WOOOOOOOO [10:58] JewelMermaid Resident: yay for everyone [10:58] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): ****APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE**** [10:58] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): all [10:58] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): ? Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ? [10:58] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident):
°º¤ø ??????ø? ¤º°
[10:58] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): *•.¸’•.¸ ? ¸.•´¸.•*
[10:58] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): .•?¨• BRAVO!!!! •¨
[10:58] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): ¸.•¸.•*´ ?
•.¸`•.¸ [10:58] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): remember we try to build our community and help people find the incredible undersea spots in second life [10:59] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): any questions after my public service announcement? [10:59] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I wonder if I could ask a question of the people here [10:59] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): how long have you been involved in SWF? [11:00] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): a core group of influencers show up for the Saturday support gathering and I so appreciate you all [11:00] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): gosh for me its been since the start [11:00] Hiroko Nubalo: over a year here [11:00] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): not very long [11:00] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): over a year sounds about right [11:00] JewelMermaid Resident: over a year [11:00] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): go to our web page and see the video on how we started [11:00] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): 12 years off and on here!! [11:00] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): thats a long time Fina [11:00] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): actually longer than that [11:00] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and such great contributions you make! [11:01] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I suspect so [11:01] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): lusa em:-) [11:01] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mebbes 2-3 years? I was a mermaid before I became a merkitty [11:01] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson) shouts: I think a couple years though I haven’t kept track of the time [11:01] Hiroko Nubalo: Time stands still underwater! [11:01] Miranda Barrowstone: same I barely notice until I look at my profile [11:01] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): whats fun – is the new people [11:01] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): ? ???? ? [11:01] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): sometimes contribute a LOT – they are so excited to find us [11:02] Inish Karu is online. [11:02] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) polishes the stick and hands it back to Miranda [11:02] Kyna (Kyna Blackburn): i think maybe 5 years i’ve been with SWF. had a mer for a couple of years before that, but i didn’t use her often until i found this group. [11:02] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): claps fot Grace!!!! [11:02] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): * APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE
[11:02] JewelMermaid Resident: yayyyy
[11:02] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE
[11:03] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): Kyna
[11:03] Grace (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I’m so glad we are a positive influence
[11:03] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): yes
[11:03] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): yesssssss….
[11:03] Kyna (Kyna Blackburn): its just good to have a group of like-minded people
[11:03] ? ????? ??mâ?-????? ? (MiakaStar Resident): /nods and smiles
[11:04] Miranda Barrowstone smiles
[11:04] Miranda Barrowstone: I should close us out though
[11:04] Chickaboo (JustaChicky Goldshark): a great community !!!
[11:05] Miranda Barrowstone: This meeting is now adjourned. Remember our SWF goals:
- to assist those considering an underwater life
- to increase awareness in the general public that there is an underwater option
- to make mer resources (events, projects, groups, retailers, sims, designers) visible and easily accessible
- to assist, as possible, with the viability of mer resources so they may continue to be available to the community
- to promote the conservation of rl oceans, lakes and waterways and the nature that relies on them
Now go mingle and explore! Thanks for joining us this day!! and enjoy the rest of the Fantasy Faire