[10:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Welcome to Safe Waters Foundation weekly aquatic support gathering. My name is Miranda. I will be leading today’s meeting.
Welcome new and old aquatics and friends!
[10:01 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yala everyone!
[10:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: hey ?
[10:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: get comfy
[10:01 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Safe waters foundation (SWF) is a not-for-profit group supporting the development of harmony and safety for merfolk and aquatics of second life, we bring together designers, retailers, sims, merrow, mermen, mermaids, siren, aquatics and lovers of same.
[10:02 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: People seem to arrive late and depart early. Please don’t be offended but as leader I will try to keep the meeting going. We don’t repeat things for latecomers – a log is posted on our blog after the meeting. This is not a place for public debate – this is a helpful place. we all help each other slive an aquatic lifestyle.
[10:03 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: morning Peach
[10:03 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Because we usually have good attendance – please take a moment to remove all extra attachments and huds. We’d like you to dress low lag. Big poofy hair and jewelry are big culprits, as are bubbles, script things, huds, and such. If we all cooperate, more merfolk can participate with less crashing. Thank you for your help with this.
[10:03 AM] Peaches2U Camino: MORNING^^
[10:03 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so how was your week seafolk?
[10:03 AM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): tala peaches::)
[10:03 AM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): Last Sunday we changed from daylight saving time to normal time
[10:04 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Ughhhh I hate that.
[10:04 AM] Peaches2U Camino: me too
[10:04 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I cry because I had so few trick or treaters
[10:04 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Every year it even kills people but pressing on with something that has no established benefit is more important than human life I guess.
[10:04 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Awww
[10:05 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I don’t like addicting children to sugar
[10:05 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): harumph
[10:05 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): We will change our clocks tonight
[10:05 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): We still didn’t take trick-or-treaters this year because of COVID but we’ll probably do it next year.
[10:05 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): we do?
[10:05 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): oooooo glad you told me!!
[10:05 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: 5 kids, maybe two drunk adults, and two high people
[10:05 AM] adimay Resident: LOL
[10:06 AM] Peaches2U Camino: my son-in-law’s family gets all the cousins and fam together
[10:06 AM] adimay Resident: i had over 150 i’ll send some your way
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[10:06 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Man, I wish I had even 1 trick or treater XD
[10:06 AM] Peaches2U Camino: it is enough to have trick or treat party
[10:06 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): BUT I do have tons of candy huehuehue
[10:06 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): My master lives in the middle of nowhere and there are no trick-or-treaters at all any year. 🙁
[10:06 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: only one was in costume cries
[10:06 AM] Peaches2U Camino: Awwww ª_ª
[10:06 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): yes, I’m in senior apartments – no visitors
[10:07 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Fiona!
[10:07 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Fina*
[10:07 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and I don’t have temptation of a big bag of candy near my door
[10:07 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): meow~
[10:07 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) offers catnip to Fina
[10:07 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lol
[10:07 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Yeah I can see why because you bring COVID into a place like that and WOW 🙁
[10:07 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): always got candy I hated
[10:07 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yes Grandma tonight you get an extra hour of sleep
[10:07 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): hooray!
[10:07 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): its a santa kitty
[10:07 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I saw a potato meme
[10:07 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Awww you look adorable!
[10:07 AM] adimay Resident: i know she’s so cute
[10:07 AM] adimay Resident: smiles
[10:08 AM] Peaches2U Camino: i do NOT miss an extra hour of work, nope not at all
[10:08 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): lemme see if I can find it
[10:08 AM] Peaches2U Camino: she IS
[10:08 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we sat out side our apartment building
[10:08 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): https://preview.redd.it/euy8hfgny8x71.jpg?auto=webp&s=ad7c1276c75def1f869bf9f74632d1c188a70621
[10:08 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ^ that’s an image
[10:08 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Yeah I think at some point COVID is either going to be harmless or more likely, we’ll have to just move on with our lives anyway. We can’t hide forever. We’re going to transition more and more into our normal Halloween routine each year.
[10:09 AM] Peaches2U Camino: or it could be like drive-in movies
[10:09 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi) paws and nibbles Peaches’s tail
[10:09 AM] Peaches2U Camino: die away
[10:09 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): OMG that is EPIC
[10:09 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: next year I wanna wear a shirt that says “life” and hand out lemons
[10:09 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): LOL nice
[10:10 AM] Peaches2U Camino: hahahahah
[10:10 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): =^-^=
[10:10 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: and one orange just to confuse
[10:10 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): I love that about Halloween, that there’s no wrong way to do it.
[10:10 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): there is a wrong way
[10:10 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): the wrong way is to make people feel excluded, eg older kids, those with autism etc
[10:10 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I’m in love with the potato thing
[10:10 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): We drove around the neighborhood this year. It’s the first time we left the house on Halloween since COVID.
[10:10 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): JUST LET PEOPLE HAVE FUN
[10:10 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): They had all these inflatable dragons on the lawns. I had no idea that was a thing. I guess it is now.
[10:11 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: that’s why I gave candy to the drunks
[10:11 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Yeah don’t hand out Snickers bars. 🙁
[10:11 AM] Peaches2U Camino: huggles Fina
[10:11 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): potato thing is freaking hilarious, makes me wanna try it next year
[10:11 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mew~ =^-^=
[10:11 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): I love that LOL
[10:11 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): My brother has a peanut allergy and Halloween was really scary because of that. And not scary in a fun way.
[10:11 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): oh that sucks
[10:11 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): well
[10:11 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): snickers bars will be pre-wrapped
[10:11 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): I LOVE Snickers bars but would never hand them out on Halloween for that reason.
[10:11 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thats one of the reasons I wanna hand out toys too
[10:12 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: but only 5 kids came
[10:12 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): aww
[10:12 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Aww
[10:12 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): yew noes
[10:12 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ok we better swim on
[10:12 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): how it’s unethical to put up xmas decor before halloween
[10:12 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): oh okies
[10:12 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Our priority today is support – we’re all here to help each other, cause we’re awesome like that.
[10:12 AM] Peaches2U Camino: Jack Skellington^^
[10:13 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): I agree. Strict no Christmas cheer for me until Black Friday, period.
[10:13 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so the order is my introduction-done, introduce the new folks, sharing questions, ideas, and support to help each other-ie; tails, hair, bodies, AOs, requests, etc, then PSAs and promotion of events, sales or what ever else needs to be shared, then I close us out with our goals, maybe a group hug and picture.
[10:13 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): IM me for funny story if yew wants, else we swims on
[10:13 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so here we go ?
[10:13 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Introductions
If you have brought someone new to this gathering, please introduce them now. If you are new and wish to introduce yourself please do so now.
just click on the podium to sit on it or sit were you are if thats just easier.
[10:13 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): sit on the podium gets you there fast
[10:14 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: exactly
[10:14 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: A very short sentence is all that is needed – for example: hi, I am (your name) and I discovered aquatics (brief description of how you found us) and what I love about being aquatic is (explain here).
[10:14 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): hi I’m Grace, notnew and a rabblerouser
[10:14 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: so any new fishies?
[10:14 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) offers you some fresh rabble
[10:14 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): hi I’m Fina. I’m a cat
[10:14 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Mom, Dad and I weren’t home to greet trick or treaters but were out with friends and let the trick or treaters have access to a big bowl of candy. They actually only took a few pieces
[10:14 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: this is true I can vouch for that
[10:15 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): next time – bring someone new with you please!!
[10:15 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): welcome alison
[10:15 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: do what you can
[10:15 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): achoo
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Tala Alison
[10:16 AM] Marion Sopwith (Marion698 Resident): tala alison
[10:16 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: are you new? would you like to introduce your self?
[10:16 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): tala alison =^-^=
[10:17 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): we’re doing the
[10:17 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): new members segment right meows
[10:17 AM] Alison Xiao Montgomery (iiLordDragon Resident): everyone
[10:17 AM] Alison Xiao Montgomery (iiLordDragon Resident): ~Tala~
[10:17 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:17 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): any new members can introduce themselves
[10:17 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): but there’s no obligation
[10:18 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay swimming on then
[10:18 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Questions and support requests
Now – what general questions can we discuss here today? Where do our aquatics need help? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[10:18 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I got the eel AO on mp
[10:18 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): its not an AO
[10:19 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): reccomended for the new sharktail that Moto sells (he has booth at mall)
[10:19 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): bunches of good animaitons
[10:19 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): wait
[10:19 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I’m confused.. they called it an ao but its not?
[10:19 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): so… what is it?
[10:19 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Oh! I could tell you about a simple thing you can do on Firestorm that improves most people’s SL performance. If you go to Avatar>Preferences>Network & Files>Connection and adjust the maximum bandwidth to 2000 Kbps. It will give you a warning, but that is based on outdated information and most people have this kind of internet to support this number now.
[10:20 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): how the heck can I use them
[10:20 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): og good to know Cecily
[10:20 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): what’s that do
[10:20 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): allow FS to use more bandwidth?
[10:20 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Yes
[10:21 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): cool!
[10:21 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mebbes I can share something I learned about limiting framerate to prevent overheating for underpowered computers
[10:21 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: sure
[10:21 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: go for it
[10:21 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): oh I need that too!!
[10:21 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Basically, if you go by the Firestorm bandwidth default, then you are throttling your own connection. But SL can support up to 200 Kbps.
[10:21 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): lemme copy down cece’s bandwidth thing
[10:21 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): ?
[10:22 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): okies so the framerate stuff I learned from Brother Frog over at the tinies
[10:22 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Seems like the maximum is actually 3000Kbps now.
[10:22 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): top menu -> Advanced -> Show Debug Settings, change YieldTime to +30 (original is something like -1)
[10:22 AM] Peaches2U Camino: O.O
[10:23 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): or also, in Preferences, Limit Framerate
[10:23 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): this basically makes your SL jankier but greatly reduces the load on the GPU
[10:23 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): gud for laptops
[10:23 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Oh that’s really interesting, Fina!
[10:23 AM] Peaches2U Camino: oh i need to try that
[10:23 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): That could also be handy if your framerate fluctuates a lot because the human eye notices frame rate changes more than actual framerate. So you could lower your framerate to something it tends to hover around and then you don’t notice all the sudden speedups anymore.
[10:23 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: hrm…
[10:24 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): oo gud thinking Luna
[10:24 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): I did that in a game once to keep my frame rate from speeding up only in the rare times I was in an indoor area which had gotten annoying.
[10:24 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I don’t see limit framerate
[10:24 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): yeah, better consistently slow than fluctuating
[10:24 AM] Chat Range: LunaMurasaki Resident [13m]
[10:25 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): my laptop gets so hot
[10:25 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): limit framerate is under Preferences
[10:25 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): oh I’m in debug
[10:25 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): from advanced menu
[10:25 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Avatar > Preferences > Graphics > Rendering > Limit Framerate
[10:25 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: hrm I never seem to notice framerate changes
[10:25 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): the idea is that if you keep it steady around 15 FPS or whatever your comp can do
[10:26 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Maybe that means that your computer is strong enough that you don’t need it~
[10:26 AM] Peaches2U Camino: my number is in the corrner, i watch it change
[10:26 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): it’s better, and won’t cause your comp to run so hot
[10:26 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): apologies
[10:26 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mew
[10:26 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): what set framrate at?
[10:26 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): mine is 120
[10:26 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): play around with it
[10:26 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: maybe I’ll ask my comp monkey about it though
[10:26 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): really need a tipster gathering weekly
[10:26 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ok
[10:26 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): mine’s set to 60 I think
[10:26 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Another option that might work better depending on your computer would be Avatar > Preferences > Graphics > Hardware Settings > Enable Vsync
[10:27 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): what does vsync do?
[10:27 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Vsync synchronizes frame redraws so they happen at the same time your monitor refreshes, which effectively limits your frame rate to your monitor’s refresh rate (typically 60FPS)
[10:27 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ooooh
[10:27 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Or, if your machine can’t manage that it might limit it to 30FPS so it is still synchronized with your monitor’s refresh rate.
[10:27 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): It prevents those tear lines when you move the camera around
[10:28 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): my vsync is enabled already
[10:28 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~ – great info!
[10:28 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): sounds like one of those settings you can play around with without breaking anything
[10:28 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): just see which one is better
[10:28 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): google: “If screen tearing interferes with your gaming experience and causes frequent screen tears, you should enable VSync. On the other hand, if you are facing input lag or a decreased frame rate, turning VSync OFF will be the correct alternative.”
[10:28 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): welll I’ve set a limit now
[10:29 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Yeah just see how they work out. If you notice a weird line where the screen is half-redrawn that’s called visual tearing and it’s what vsync is designed to stop.
[10:29 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ooooo
[10:29 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): never see that
[10:29 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): don’t has that
[10:29 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): but my laptop is so hot when online
[10:29 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I doubt SL is optimized enough that will have that
[10:29 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): already feels cooler I think
[10:30 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): yay? =^-^=
[10:30 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): your FPS should drop
[10:30 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Just imagine you are turning and the bottom half is slightly less turned than the top half at a tear line that sort of moves up and down and appears/disappears. That’s because the frame redraws are happening out of sync with the monitor refresh and V-sync stops that.
[10:30 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): basically your comp is processing fewer frames, so it doesn’t have to work so hard
[10:30 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: when my computer gets too hot my husband uses something called artic silver
[10:31 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: its a paste that absorbs the heat and helps cool it
[10:31 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): thermal paste?
[10:31 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): icky
[10:31 AM] Peaches2U Camino: how?
[10:31 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I think so
[10:31 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) offers you some slime
[10:31 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Yeah they normally put that between the processor and the fan that goes over the processor.
[10:31 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): yeah how tho
[10:31 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Inside the computer.
[10:31 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: its saved my vid card a million times
[10:31 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I never heard of someone slathering thermal paste on like
[10:31 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): HA HAHA HA..haha!!
[10:31 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): The computer itself would be totally silent were it not for the fans. You wouldn’t even be able to hear it is powered on at all.
[10:31 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): BUT
[10:32 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): But then it would cook itself within minutes or seconds lol.
[10:32 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Boris the YouTuber built a computer using mayonnaise as thermal paste
[10:32 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): ROFL
[10:32 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Nice
[10:32 AM] Peaches2U Camino: O.o
[10:32 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): bahahahaha
[10:32 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: … urgh that had to smell awful
[10:32 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): thermal paste on shrimp toasties
[10:32 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): So all the noise you are hearing, other than the possible pattering of an old hard drive, is just your fans running.
[10:32 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClfGb1z6w0A
[10:32 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): soup!!
[10:32 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: you don’t wanna eat that stuff sweetie
[10:33 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) grins evilly
[10:33 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): I think we may be off topic a little
[10:33 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I think its mercury based
[10:33 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Phones don’t need fans because they have ARM-based processors that don’t generate all that heat. That’s also what macs have switched to so now only the high-end macs even have fans at all and they almost never come on.
[10:34 AM] Peaches2U Camino: dang, feels like my pc is getting older by the second!
[10:34 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): eeeep – my laptop is wrinkling
[10:34 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): LOL well it is. Everyone’s is. 😉
[10:34 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: aren’t we all?
[10:34 AM] Peaches2U Camino: lolol
[10:34 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): LOL yes.
[10:35 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): stop using mayonnaise as thermal paste gramma
[10:35 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: shall we swim on?
[10:35 AM] Peaches2U Camino: got another info topic for ya
[10:35 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Yes. This talk of mayo is making me hungry~
[10:35 AM] Peaches2U Camino: new LL TOS wrinkle
[10:35 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay what is it?
[10:35 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): They will likely switch to ARM-based Windows machines eventually but they are struggling to make ARM processors that are fast enough and there are software compatibility issues too so likely not for many years.
[10:35 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: wrinkle?
[10:35 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) feels dizzy
[10:35 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): The TOS is getting older by the second too!
[10:36 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): nod nod
[10:36 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): don’t tell them
[10:36 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: what is it Peach?
[10:36 AM] Peaches2U Camino: we are not allowed to take pics in regions or lands without owner permission
[10:36 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): peach cobbler!!
[10:36 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ooooooo
[10:36 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): 8|
[10:36 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Seriously?
[10:36 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Wow that sucks
[10:36 AM] Peaches2U Camino: am also not allowed to take a pic of anyone without their permission
[10:36 AM] Peaches2U Camino: pic or movie
[10:36 AM] Roz Azalee is Online
[10:36 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: hrm
[10:36 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): I can understand that one but it sounds impossible to enforce and I don’t think anyone is going to bother following it.
[10:37 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): you all have my permission to take my picture anytime
[10:37 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I’ll put it into my profile
[10:37 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Same here
[10:37 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Not taking a pic of the owner’s land sounds ridiculous
[10:37 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: should we sign consent for,s then?
[10:37 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: forms*
[10:37 AM] Peaches2U Camino: i have been asking shop owners and putting it in the memo section of their profile
[10:37 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): If they talk about bandwidth I’m going to hurl lol
[10:37 AM] Peaches2U Camino: or have it in the info portion of the landmark
[10:37 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): wow, the new TOS?
[10:37 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Perhaps put up a sign that says pictures are allowed in the region
[10:38 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Link to the new TOS?
[10:38 AM] Peaches2U Camino: have asked them to put it in the info portion of their landmark
[10:38 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: guess I shoulda read that
[10:38 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I agreed without reading it lol
[10:38 AM] Peaches2U Camino: took forever to read that dang thing
[10:38 AM] Peaches2U Camino: i hate it
[10:38 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): I’ll go look it up later
[10:38 AM] Peaches2U Camino: for them to make a change, someone had a fit
[10:38 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I never have the brain power to understand it..
[10:39 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): can we move on?
[10:39 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yes
[10:39 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Found it
[10:39 AM] Peaches2U Camino: but LL owns it all, so they can break that rule
[10:39 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions
[10:39 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): please?
[10:39 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ~Persu Em~
[10:39 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[10:39 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Snapshot_and_machinima_policy?_gl=19qvl0v_gaMTYyMjQzODM5Ni4xNjYyNzY2MTM1_ga_T7G7P6DCEC*MTY2NzY2OTkxOS4yLjAuMTY2NzY2OTkxOS42MC4wLjA.
[10:39 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): all good info
[10:39 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay we need to move on to promotions now
[10:39 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): write up a nc – would consider a notice if you think helpful
[10:39 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Snapshot and Machinima Policy on this wiki
[10:39 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Quick reminders/announcements
Ad boards are awesome because they can help newer merfolk and aquatics find places to swim. If you need mer traffic, please consider renting an ad board.
[10:40 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:40 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): see the adboards here
[10:40 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Perks include helping the group and being allowed to post ads in the group chat twice a day. Add in the fact that anyone can ask for the stick and that is great exposure.
[10:40 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): No one well almost no one reads the TOS
[10:40 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and by welcome board
[10:40 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): ?
[10:40 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): puRrrRrRrrrrRrr
[10:40 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: You might also consider being a hang out.
[10:40 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): Munin is a hang out
[10:41 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Please also check our mer-mall just past the headquarters. space available and lots of great things.
Be sure to visit the safe waters foundation web site and event calendar at https://swfsl.com/
[10:41 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): with crabs
[10:41 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yes like Munin
[10:41 AM] Peaches2U Camino: hahahah
[10:41 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I think Munin is my fav dragon
[10:41 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: and now…
Public service announcements
Now we allow a limited time for publicity. Who has something fun to share? A store, new sim, event, or news? If you wish to share here – please im me so that I can call on you.
[10:41 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): for those who don’t know him
[10:41 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): gogogo
[10:41 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: When you are called on (and given our invisible talking stick) please swim up to this podium (so people can see you to im if needed) and share (very briefly and preferable in two or three sentences typed in advance as our meeting time is limited)
[10:41 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): please make announcements fast today
[10:42 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: If you would like do a little aquatic public announcement – please im me now and I will let you know when it is your turn
[10:42 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): prepare in advance – don’t waste time typing so we wait
[10:42 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): time is limited today
[10:42 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Believe me I am trying to make my home a hangout
[10:42 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Cecily, yer up
[10:42 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Tala, everyone! ?
[10:42 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ~Tala~
[10:42 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): This week at Zen Child Designs, I’m happy to announce two items on sale for 50L each!
The Alchemy Mermaid Tail Mod for Nemissa is a tintable mod kit with optional Alchemy tattoo~
Flickr Preview: https://www.flickr.com/photos/garlicnoodles/52133201738/in/dateposted-public/
The Motherhood Womb Spell Tattoos Fatpack is a BOM tattoo set with four style options, including a tintable white version~
Flickr Preview: https://www.flickr.com/photos/garlicnoodles/51376313658/in/dateposted-public/
[10:43 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ooooo!!!
[10:43 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yay Cecily
[10:43 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): do you have a shop?
[10:43 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): I am wearing the Alchemy tail mod right now so you can see it~
[10:43 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): in the mall?
[10:43 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): I do 😀
[10:43 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) cams in
[10:43 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: nice
[10:43 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): lovely
[10:43 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): does it come in black?
[10:43 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): oh wait – I can’t wear that tail
[10:43 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): But Wanderlust Weekend is mainstore-only, and you can find the LM on my ad board just here
[10:44 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): The tail is tintable
[10:44 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): can put link in your store too Cecily!!
[10:44 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Soooooo you can make it any color you’d like!
[10:44 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): shop
[10:44 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:44 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Mainstore here: Hoodoo (229,121,3194)
[10:45 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): remind us with some notices
[10:45 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): are you able to send notices Cecily? I will IM you
[10:45 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): There’s a weekend sale area, and some other friends with stores have offered some discounted items too!
[10:45 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): marvelou
[10:45 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): +s
[10:46 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): Thank you all! ?
[10:46 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: and thank you
[10:46 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Ohora yer up
[10:46 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ?? BIG GIGANTIC APPLAUSE!!! ??
[10:46 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ohora?
[10:46 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I am ready if she needs time
[10:46 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): oh here she comes
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: she’s here
[10:47 AM] F??? ?? (Sapphira Franizzi): ~YAY!!! \ (@o@)/ / YAY!!!~
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: that tail looks great
[10:47 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) blows bubble kisses to Ohora
[10:47 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Nervously grips the talking stick in sweaty palms as she moves to the podium. The stick seems to have been chewed on but seems otherwise sound.
Yala everyone!
[10:47 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): welcome Zant
[10:47 AM] Roz Azalee is Offline
[10:47 AM] Miranda Barrowstone waves to zan
[10:47 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): HA HAHA HA..haha!!
[10:48 AM] Zantyago Mannonen: thankies
[10:48 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Every Wednesday I, Ohora Sessa, lead the Weekly Wander at 4:30 pm Each week I will guide explorers to interesting aquatic destinations in our fascinating watery world.
Would you like to get to know the SWF hangouts better or just fancy a swim? Please come to the SWF Chat Pavilion Wednesdays at 4:30 pm slt. or take this mer taxi. Lusa em!
Union Passage (50,237,1)
Passes the talking stick back.
[10:48 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thank you
[10:48 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Grace yer up
[10:48 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): you can nominate places to visit also
[10:48 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): here I come
[10:48 AM] Long Range: SWFguide Resident [95m]
[10:48 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): I’ll try to be short and sweet to leave room for everyone to share.
- Let’s fill the undersea sims! SWF is all about that and building a solid community. Please consider finding one little way you can contribute so we can find each other and new things together! Read more at www.swfsl.com
[10:49 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): 2. Please ask your favorite vendors to consider putting in shop in mer mall. My thought is to have link to main store and mp stores and some items rezzed. Right now I’m offering some financial incentives to give it a try – they need to reach me to take advantage of the incentive (or see note in notices)
[10:49 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): next one is big
[10:49 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): and not going to give many details yet so just chew on it
[10:49 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): 3. Our group is developing
concierge program getting active again
a new trial modeling program in development
more volunteers – I have nc if you need some ideas
centralized info kiosk in development
[10:50 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): gives you a sec to read and then continues
[10:50 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): 4. watch my profile for my planned times in-world. I’m trying to turn over duties to key members and community – Grandma is not about control – I’m all about sharing so the group can continue without me or any one mer
[10:50 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): 5. Thanks to all who have stepped up to help. It is heart warming
[10:50 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) hands a slimy stick back to Miranda
[10:51 AM] Miranda Barrowstone:~Persu Em~
[10:51 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Thank you
[10:51 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: Tala I’m Miranda and I come from Antiquity.
we have 16 sims to swim through, homes available, shopping spaces, mer spots, and active groups.
[10:51 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): 15 sims
[10:51 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): 16
[10:51 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): wow
[10:51 AM] Luna Murasaki (LunaMurasaki Resident): Oh my!
[10:51 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yep
[10:51 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): whoa
[10:51 AM] Peaches2U Camino: 16?!
[10:52 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): lets fill it up!!
[10:52 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: anyway we are totaly inclusive
[10:52 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): have to wear tops above water tho
[10:52 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: lgbt friendly, kid friendly furry friendly
[10:52 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): those landwalkers just can’t handle some things
[10:52 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: above the water yes
[10:52 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): •.¸’•.¸ ? ¸.•´¸.•
[10:52 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): .•?¨• BRAVO!!!! •¨
[10:52 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ¸.•¸.•*´ ?
[10:53 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: under the water you’re gpood
[10:53 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: oh yeah they’re wusses
[10:53 AM] Ohora Sessa (Cathy Jackson): Yay Grandma we love you
[10:53 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): *I* wear tops
[10:53 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ahem
[10:53 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: anyhoo
[10:53 AM] adimay Resident: lol
[10:53 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: we have a system called TCS. its a craft/trade/rp system that allows you to trade goods with other mers or landers. You can harvest and create things.
[10:54 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: if your shy or I’m offline I am pretty sure we have an adboard
[10:54 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): ANTIQUITY
[10:55 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): YOU SHOULD BECOME A PARTNER mIRANDA
[10:55 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth) eeps.
[10:55 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): sorry for caps lock
[10:55 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: I know, I mentioned it
[10:55 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: s any one else wanna share before we close out?
[10:55 AM] Peaches2U Camino: whats a partner?
[10:55 AM] GraceSWF Wrigglesworth gave you Welcome Approved SWF Partner 04Nov2022.
[10:55 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thankies ?
[10:56 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): SWF partners are larger sims or areas
[10:56 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): who subscribe to the mission and goals of SWF
[10:56 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): they pay a fee and get special promotional consideration
[10:56 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): if you’d like nc let me know but is by invitation only
[10:56 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): invitation coems from me – its not a casual thing and not expensive either
[10:57 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): trying to let people know who in our community STANDS for our values and principles
[10:57 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: ?
[10:57 AM] Cecily Tamagotchi-????ère (Cecily Muircastle): ?
[10:57 AM] Peaches2U Camino: Miranda!
[10:57 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: yes?
[10:57 AM] Peaches2U Camino: Congratts
[10:57 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: thanks ?
[10:58 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): in principle Antiquity is a partner already
[10:58 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: okay lets close out then ?
[10:58 AM] Peaches2U Camino YAY CONGRATUATIONS!
[10:58 AM] Grandma (GraceSWF Wrigglesworth): just need to formalize in my mind
[10:58 AM] Miranda Barrowstone: This meeting is now adjourned. Remember our SWF goals:
- to assist those considering an underwater life
- to increase awareness in the general public that there is an underwater option
- to make mer resources (events, projects, groups, retailers, sims, designers) visible and easily accessible
- to assist, as possible, with the viability of mer resources so they may continue to be available to the community
- to promote the conservation of rl oceans, lakes and waterways and the nature that relies on them
Now go mingle and explore! Thanks for joining us this day!!